诺贝尔奖的创立人诺贝尔 - 公认的炸药之父
发明了硅藻土炸药及雷管, 拥有Bofors军工厂,可说是现代军火工业的奠基者
There are three ways that Nobel is valuable to the Arms industry
诺贝尔在军火工业的发展, 至少扮演了三个角色.
The first way is valuable in that he is a conduit, potential conduit
to governments that will pay more for weapons.
第一点呢, 诺贝尔扮演了中间人的角色, 他让愿意付更多钱买军火设备的独裁政权
The second way that he was important to them, was that he was selling
Bofors explosive products, which was one of the best arms manufacturer in the world.
The third way is that he was teaching them arms techniques, and
this is the worst because it is creative, whether he mentally or not,
he created a provoked incentive to kill innocent people around the wrold.
第三个诺贝尔扮演的角色, 他是一个导师的角色,教导独裁政权如何使用军火技术
诺贝尔这么糟糕, 获得诺贝尔奖是不是很可耻的一件事?
之后我如果不小心获得诺贝尔奖一定拒领, 并呼吁其他获奖人也一起拒领,
PS. 我英文程度差, 翻译的不好请见谅