The daily caller
Feminist Says Dunkirk Is A Bad Movie Because It Screams ‘Men-Only’
女权人士: 敦克尔克缺乏女角 沦父权论述
Christopher Nolan’s “Dunkirk” is being celebrated as one of the strongest m
ovies of the year—and may perhaps rank among one of the best war movies ever
made alongside “Saving Private Ryan,” “Hacksaw Ridge,” and “Black Hawk Do
wn.” Like the other great films, it doesn’t glorify war, but instead emphasi
zes the tragedy of war. But because male critics are praising it, women’s mag
azine Marie Claire has seen fit to trash the film for “celebrating maleness”
—asking instead why war movies aren’t being made for women.
敦克尔克被誉为最伟大的战争电影,与抢救雷恩大兵等电影齐名。但女性杂志Marie Clai
Writing for Marie Claire, Mehera Bonner declared “Dunkirk” to be “basic.”
“And look, it’s not like I need every movie to have ‘strong female leads.’
Wonder Woman can probably tide me over for at least a year and I understand t
hat this was dominated by brave male soldiers. I get that,” she wrote, before
slamming the film for its “general vibe.”
Despite enjoying the film’s intense moments and even the performances of its
actors, including One Direction’s Harry Styles in his first big screen appear
ance, the Marie Claire writer slams Dunkirk for being “designed for men to ma
n-out over.”
杂志专栏作家Mehera Bonner表示,敦克尔克很平庸的一部片。她说:“我不是要每部电
“The tenor of the people applauding it just screams ‘men-only’,” she conti
nued, citing that the only reason male critics liked it was because it allowed
them to feel manly.
Bonner continues: “To me, Dunkirk felt like an excuse for men to celebrate ma
leness—which apparently they don’t get to do enough. Fine, great, go forth,
but if Nolan’s entire purpose is breaking the established war movie mold and
doing something different—why not make a movie about women in World War II?”
The Marie Claire writer argues that it’s the responsibility of top-tier dire
ctors like Nolan to make the films she wants more of.
This year’s “Wonder Woman” and “Atomic Blonde” are both highly rated film
s, revealing little gender bias among film critics. Likewise, the female-drive
n “Mad Max: Fury Road” was equally enjoyed by critics of either sex, earning
it a spot as one of the highest rated films ever made. Films about women in t
imes of war have been made, several to critical acclaim—including “Zero Dark
Thirty” and “The English Patient.” According to film reviewers, each of th
ese films broke the mold by taking typically male settings and centering them
around female protagonists.
Dunkirk was a prominent event in military history, but is rarely given notice
in pop culture. To anyone who’s heard of Dunkirk, the evacuation is largely r
emembered as both a miracle and a disaster for the Allied forces in Europe dur
ing World War II. Failing to defend France against the Germans, the British we
re forced to evacuate over 338,000 troops with the aid of private civilians.
However, over 30,000 troops were left behind to be captured as prisoners of wa
r to the German army. The British press managed to turn the loss into a sort o
f victory with the “Dunkirk Spirit” that showed the solidarity of the Britis
h people in saving the lives of their countrymen. With “Dunkirk,” Christophe
r Nolan shed light on an event that would’ve otherwise relegated to the histo
ry books.