feyster (缇儿~打优)
2017-07-29 00:20:13身为一个回来过暑假的留学生,看到这篇忍不住来帮她修改一下
可能我自己也会有小错,还请鞭小力一点<(_ _)>
Dear Mr. Zuckerberg, <-用逗号谢谢^^
A lot is happening in Mandarin language Facebook that English speakers probabl
y don’t know about.
*There are a lot of controversial issues in Mandarin Facebook that non-Mandarin
speakers might not know.
其实我是不太懂她的a lot 想表达什么,所以我改用争议性的议题听起来好一点,
然后世界上不是只有会英文跟中文的,所以我用non-Mandarin speakers比较中立一点,
In America, there is great freedom of speech and political opinion. But in my
country of Taiwan, there is a serious crackdown on dissenting views.
*The freedom of speech and political expression are protected in the United
States; in Taiwan, however, we are facing serious issues of banning opposite
opinions on Facebook.
The head of Facebook, Greater China is Jayne Leung, who is a partisan supporter of the ruling DPP party.
*Jayne Leung, the head of Facebook, Greater China, is identified as a
supporter of Democratic Progressive Party(DPP).
The accounts of people who have been identified as critical of President Tsai
are being closed, even for linking to a neutral article that mentions
her name.
*Unfortunately, those comments and accounts with criticisms for President
Tsai are banned, even though they mentioned her name indirectly.
Facebook is becoming a political organ of the government, in an attempt
to destroy all opposition.
*Facebook is becoming a political tool run by the government,
and it will help the authority eliminating all different opinions.
Facebook’s policy of requiring photo ID and address of people who have been
targeted as critical of President Tsai is a chilling situation, considering
the close relationship of Ms. Jayne Leung and the DPP party.
*According to Facebook’s policy, people who criticized President Tsai
are suffering risks of being targeted by National Security Bureau,
because their information might be exposed without any protection.
Therefore, the relationship between Ms. Leung and DPP may tremendously
affect Facebook’s neutrality.
Is Facebook a tool for repression? Can autocratic regimes like these
infiltrate high positions in Facebook, and use them to identify and track
dissenters “in real life”? I think the answer is: it’s already happened.
*Is Facebook becoming a tool for restricting free speech? Can those
autocratic authorities be allowed infiltrating in Facebook, and spy those
innocents’ “real lives” by using their ID? Unluckily, it has been happening.
Mr. Zuckerberg, you have built a tool that can be used for great good.
Please, defends our right to speak freely without being targeted by those
who would use your platform to oppress.
*Mr. Zuckerberg, you have created a fantastic platform allowing the users
to share their opinions on Facebook. Please, defends our free speech
preventing from those “injustice treatments.”
Dear Mr. Zuckerberg,
There are a lot of controversial issues in Mandarin Facebook that
non-Mandarin speakers might not know.The freedom of speech and political
expression are protected in the United States; in Taiwan, however,
we are facing serious issues of banning opposite opinions on Facebook.
Jayne Leung, the head of Facebook, Greater China, is identified as a
supporter of Democratic Progressive Party(DPP).Unfortunately, those comments
and accounts with criticisms for President Tsai are banned, even though
they mentioned her name indirectly.Facebook is becoming a political tool
run by the government,and it will help the authority eliminating all different
opinions.According to Facebook’s policy, people who criticized President
Tsai are suffering risks of being targeted by National Security Bureau,
because their information might be exposed without any protection.
Therefore, the relationship between Ms. Leung and DPP may tremendously
affect Facebook’s neutrality.Is Facebook becoming a tool for restricting
free speech? Can those autocratic authorities be allowed infiltrating in
Facebook, and spy those innocents’ “real lives” by using their ID?
Unluckily, it has been happening.Mr. Zuckerberg, you have created a fantastic
platform allowing the users to share their opinions on Facebook.
Please, defends our free speech preventing from those “injustice treatments.