ilw4e (可以吃吗?)
2017-07-07 06:51:47google了一下这新闻,newsweek的报导超酸可是超好笑
(可以看文章最上面的影片,就是Rick 2012竞选时候闹的笑话,忘了自己的政见
In fact, poor old Rick never even wanted to be energy secretary. We know this
because he doesn’t even want the department of energy to exist. Of course,
Perry couldn’t actually remember that he didn’t want it to exist during an
infamous exchange during a Republican primary debate ahead of the 2012
“The third agency of government I would do away with—the education, uh,
the, uh, commerce and let’s see,” he painfully uttered. “I can’t—the
third one. Sorry. Oops.”
Energy, Rick, energy. Yes, Rick Perry, questionable economic theories and
all, really is the energy secretary.
※ 引述《DonaldDrumpf (MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain)》之铭言:
: 1.媒体来源:
: 2.完整新闻标题:
: Rick Perry on supply and demand economics: Supply it, then demand will follow
: 3.完整新闻内文:
: 简译
: 美国能源部长周四参观西维基尼亚的矿场后发表了新的供需法则
: "供给给下去 需求就上来了"
: (黑人问号?)
: Secretary of Energy Rick Perry sparked disbelief on Twitter Thursday after
: he tried to offer an economics lesson while touring a coal plant in West
: Virginia.
: "Here's a little economics lesson: supply and demand. You put the supply out
: there and the demand will follow," Perry said, responding to a question about
: a shale gas boom in comments captured by S&P Global Market Intelligence
: reporter Taylor Kuykendall.
: "The market will decide which of these — they're going to pick and choose,"
: Perry continued at Longview Power Plant. "I mean, that's really pretty simple.
: All too often, you have in the last eight years, you have an administration
: that was over here putting its thumb on the economic scale as well as the
: technology scale because they said this is where we want to go."
: A reporter attempted to ask a follow-up question about the prevalence of shale
: gas, which Perry called a "good thing," before West Virginia's Democratic Sen.
: Joe Manchin took over the question.
: It isn't entirely clear what Perry meant