嘘 kuma0326: acknowledged 02/11 06:32
→ vimeo: 你的英文老师哭了 02/11 06:37
嘘 k1a1t1a1n1a: 连acknowledged都不知道还是回去重读国中英文吧 02/11 06:39
推 steve1012: 帮大家查好了 merriam webster acknowledge: 02/11 06:56
→ steve1012: 1. to recognize the rights, authority or status of 02/11 06:57
→ steve1012: to disclose knowledge of or agreement with 02/11 06:57
→ steve1012: to recognize as genuine or valid 02/11 06:57
推 tschia: 你的英文问题在于没有把acknoledge的受词划对 02/11 07:06
→ Khadgar: 所以这家伙还是不知道acknowledge是啥意思耶... 02/11 07:32
嘘 A380: acknowledged 02/11 07:41
1 to accept that something is true
acknowledge something She refuses to acknowledge the need for reform.
Are you prepared to acknowledge your responsibility?
a generally acknowledged fact
acknowledge that… I did not acknowledge that he had done anything wrong.
acknowledge something to be, have, etc. something It is generally
acknowledged to be true.
accept status
2 to accept that somebody/something has a particular authority or status
synonym recognize
acknowledge somebody/something The country acknowledged his claim to the
acknowledge somebody/something as something He is widely acknowledged as the
best player in the world.
acknowledge somebody/something to be, have, etc. something He is widely
acknowledged to be the best player in the world.