[问卦] help I can't type in chinese

楼主: andt5214 (阿猩)   2017-01-15 15:45:41
after my brother used the computer, i discovered something strange.
(compare it to your computer and you will see the difference)
how can i deal with it???????
help me plzzzzzzz
作者: sinwe (青菜抵家啦)   2017-01-15 15:46:00
作者: thor5566 (thor)   2017-01-15 15:46:00
hey what the fuck r u talking
作者: sux0116 (鸡排店扫地工)   2017-01-15 15:46:00
作者: snsdakb48 (ShiEr)   2017-01-15 15:46:00
kill your computer nowwww
作者: h4321oem (Butler)   2017-01-15 15:46:00
I have a pen
作者: koreawargod (高丽战神金正恩)   2017-01-15 15:47:00
Is it good to drink?!
作者: joumay (怪怪的小其)   2017-01-15 15:47:00
just type in ENG, villagers knew that well
作者: c3035281 (:::::>_<:::::)   2017-01-15 15:47:00
get into the bucket
作者: Rocks5566 (5566最棒棒>//////<)   2017-01-15 15:47:00
This is an apple. This is a door.
作者: rufjvm12345 (小饭)   2017-01-15 15:47:00
this is a book
作者: Shiau5566 (妹妹的帥哥哥)   2017-01-15 15:48:00
Fuck man what r u talk about?
作者: newwer (在下必须回到家乡)   2017-01-15 15:48:00
now you are fucked
作者: aaaming (搅屎南帝一灯大湿)   2017-01-15 15:48:00
作者: dirubest (奈亚拉托提普)   2017-01-15 15:48:00
looks normal to me
作者: MangoTW (不在线上)   2017-01-15 15:48:00
我也遇过,去命令提示字符打 format c:
作者: wwvvkai (We do not sow)   2017-01-15 15:48:00
how are you fine thank you and you
作者: leew633 (柿饼先生)   2017-01-15 15:48:00
作者: kruzin (嘿哈)   2017-01-15 15:48:00
Now u see me
作者: leew633 (柿饼先生)   2017-01-15 15:49:00
my time is now
作者: bvf0523 (man0523)   2017-01-15 15:49:00
l go to school by bus
作者: shonbig (香槟)   2017-01-15 15:49:00
Hi pussy
作者: hipab (嗨趴)   2017-01-15 15:49:00
who bird you
作者: maple0425 (漏接达人)   2017-01-15 15:49:00
today is a good day
作者: mikachuwo (咪咔啾唔)   2017-01-15 15:49:00
作者: tim8177414 (Gryphon)   2017-01-15 15:50:00
作者: noreg0393933 (埔生)   2017-01-15 15:50:00
I do not see anything here.
作者: sunnybody907 ((′・ω・`) )   2017-01-15 15:51:00
need not to type fucking "Chi na nese"
作者: iChina (爱republic of 中国)   2017-01-15 15:51:00
Fire in the hole
作者: aq10203040 (いろはにほへと)   2017-01-15 15:51:00
blowjob god
作者: DamnKobe (KoberInNTHU)   2017-01-15 15:51:00
then you got' the chance to stay away from ptt
作者: noreg0393933 (埔生)   2017-01-15 15:51:00
Please key in fucking China.
作者: MORIH   2017-01-15 15:52:00
ctrl + shift
作者: jianledu (...)   2017-01-15 15:52:00
How do you turn this on
作者: makinoyui (大商共主・仙剑哥)   2017-01-15 15:53:00
dites-vous quoi? je ne comprends pas
作者: jason0330 (哈哈灭修干魔哈哈问题,9)   2017-01-15 15:53:00
Totally Chinese English
作者: yoyocapri (love ChuChu)   2017-01-15 15:53:00
Well....check it out.... Okay Bye
作者: noreg0393933 (埔生)   2017-01-15 15:53:00
My father is
作者: johnhmj (耗呆肥羊)   2017-01-15 15:53:00
when you touch 5th floor's anus You'll never go back
作者: duece0927 (奶綠半糖少冰)   2017-01-15 15:54:00
Just restart your computer and the bucket is readyfor you
作者: rhox (天生反骨)   2017-01-15 15:55:00
作者: Marino (马利诺)   2017-01-15 15:55:00
peace peace eat full yet

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