→ sz: 不是 Tsui Pui-yan, Liu Ka-wan, Chong Nga-man 吗? 12/30 16:57
回应这位网友 刚才去看了一下新闻
PUBLISHED : Friday, 30 December, 2016, 12:50pm
UPDATED : Friday, 30 December, 2016, 4:03pm
不过名第二字还是没大写啊 这不是欲盖弥彰吗 厂厂
On the night before Christmas, the three women –
Tsui Pui-yan, 25, Liu Ka-wan, 21, and Chong Nga-man, 22 –
had initially ordered some food at the market space,
but then went to the seafood buffet area to snag fresh freebies.
※ 引述《robertshih (施抄)》之铭言:
: 最近看那个上引水产的新闻 本来跟大家一样气愤难平
: 不过刚才在翻相关的新闻:
: http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-crime/article/2058161/shellfish-endeavour-lands-hungry-hong-kong-trio-court-after
: 缩址:goo.gl/mfqyEk
: 帮大家撷取重点:
: On the night before Christmas, the three women –
: Xu Peixin, 25, Liao Jiayun, 21, and Zhuang Yawen, 22 –
: had initially ordered some food at the market space,
: but then went to the seafood buffet area to snag fresh freebies.
: 你看这个拼音 香港人的名字不会有X在拼音里面
: (台湾以前也是,不过自从被M1a19改成跟大陆同步以后,小弟我不少同学也中奖了)
: 你看这个First Name,香港人跟台湾一样两个中文都会字首大写
: 中间以空白或-连接
: 只有中华民国大陆沦陷区的匪民才会仅第一个字大写而且无连接符号
: 所以这要么是匪民要么是匪民靠政商关系移民香港的好呗
: (小弟我许多很好的香港朋友跪求我上ptt发文解释)