※ 引述《realtw (realtw)》之铭言:
: 这个新闻真是胡说八道 瞎扯一通 颠倒黑白
: 日本和中国
: 到底是谁山寨谁?
: 日本秋田犬
: 是中国的中华田园犬在17世纪被日本引进山寨出来的
: 这是有史料可查的
下面太多废话 懒得引用 这篇真是胡说八道
17世纪 日本引进?山寨来的..........
好的 由此我们知道 秋田犬祖先是某只狗跟秋田地区的土狗交配来的
[1]点进去就有网站 不过是英文 我想想也是 你连经济学人都不知道
Dog paw prints found in Jomon period (8000 to 300 B.C) pit houses suggest
that dogs were raised as pets inside homes as early 3,000 years ago. The paw
prints measured 4.3cm to 5.7cm long and suggest that the dogs were of medium
size. Dog bones were commonly found in graves of this era.
The Japanese Akita Inu originated in the Tohoku area of Japan. This is the
most northerly region of mainland Japan, adjoining the Chubu and Kanto
regions. It sits below the Hokkaido (island) region and comprises of six
prefectures; they are: Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima, Yamagata and of
course Akita.
Of these, the far-northern strains, which arrived with humans, have a thick
coat, much substance and a thick tail curled over the back. The
representative of this far-northern strain is the Akita. Mr Hirokichi Saito,
a noted Japanese dog researcher, writes in his book "Japanese Dogs and
Wolves": "The Akita descended from a middle-sized Japanese dog crossed with a
dog of the northern strain as well as a large sized dog from China. The same
strain includes: the extinct nambu-Inu of Rikuchu (present day Iwate
prefecture), the Kouyasu-Inu of Uzen (present day Yamagata prefecture),
Iiyama-Inu of Shinshu (present day Nagano prefecture) and the Gou (a large
sized dog from China) in the Dazaifu area in Kyushu." General opinion seems
to confirm this and a shared opinion that dogs such as the Gou were brought
from Bokkai (a country once occupying Northern Korea and the eastern tip of
China) and crossed with native Japanese dogs thus producing the ancestors of
the Akita.
另外如果你要跟我说是不是中国引进的话 我是懒的回答
我建议你可以写信给该作者跟学者 先证明公元前300年前 这些狼阿 狗阿
是从已建国的中国跑过来的 或是已被中国人养过了
然后在跑去日本的 不然实在很难说服是中国传过去的...