Re: [新闻] 美知名神经科学教授 来台演说遭巴士撞死

楼主: xiemark (aisinjuro)   2016-07-29 10:31:52
悼念 Bruce Bridgeman
In Memoriam: Bruce Bridgeman
July 25, 2016
Professor Bruce Bridgeman
Professor Emeritus of Psychology Bruce Bridgeman died July 10 in Taipei,
Taiwan. His family prepared the following obituary to share with the campus:
UC Santa Cruz professor of psychology and psychobiology, Bruce Bridgeman, an
internationally renowned researcher on spatial orientation and neuroscience,
was tragically killed July 10 after being struck by a bus in Taipei while
crossing a multi-lane intersection. Bridgeman was due to speak that day at
the Medical University of Taiwan. He and his wife, Dr. Diane Bridgeman, were
on a speaking tour in Asia where both were giving talks.
Those who knew Bridgeman will remember him for his sharp intellect, genuine
sense of humor, intellectual curiosity, thoughtful mentorship, gentle
personality, musical talent, and committed peace, social justice, and
environmental activism. He remained an active cyclist – biking up Coolidge
Drive each day – and enjoyed sailing, cooking, baking, and gardening. He
was a loving, present and engaged husband, father, and grandfather.
Bridgeman joined UC Santa Cruz in 1973 and remained with UCSC throughout his
career. Though an emeriti professor, Bridgeman was reappointed to teach
courses in neuroscience and evolutionary psychology, the subject of one of
his textbooks, and had several active experiments running in his lab at the
time of his death. “Bruce remained a vital member of the psychology
department,” said professor Campbell Leaper, department chair. “He
maintained a very productive research program that included several UCSC
students as research assistants.”
He enjoyed teaching and taking an active mentorship role with both
undergraduate and graduate students. For decades, students in his lab
received a hands-on understanding of experimental research, and frequently
published articles and presented at conferences with him. “His mentorship
extended to junior faculty as well,” said Jessica Witt, associate professor
of cognitive psychology at Colorado State University, “and he exemplified
the kind of scientist we hoped to become, allowing data and innovative ideas,
rather than egos, to drive the scientific process.”
Bridgeman’s research centered on spatial orientation by vision and
perception/action interactions, and his intellectual interests also included
the functions and neural basis of consciousness. Professor Dr. Wolfgang
Prinz, of the German Max-Planck Institute, described Bridgeman as, “on a
worldwide scale, one of the most prominent scholars of relationships between
perception and action in the spatial domain.” Professor Fred Owens, of
Franklin & Marshall College, described Bridgeman as “an esteemed colleague
whose intellect was as broad as it was deep. His knowledge about
perception-action systems was highly integrative, generating scholarly
contributions that ranged from perception and psychophysics to neurobiology,
philosophy, and the history of science.” Owens also noted “conversations
with Bruce always held an interesting lesson or two, often venturing beyond
the scientific domain to important matters of global peace, justice, and
Professor Vilayanur Ramachandran of UC San Diego, whose lab had been looking
forward to a visit from Bridgeman in fall 2016, stated: “It’s hard to
conjure up Bruce’s image in my mind without feeling good. His facial
expression combines wisdom, a slight mischievous twinkle, and patience.” He
went on to note that “in an era of sound-bites,” Bridgeman was rare in that
“he combined meticulous scholarship with high originality. He was well
ahead of the curve in combining neuroscience and perceptual psychology and in
that respect we were kindred spirits. Besides being a brilliant scientist,
world renowned for his pioneering work, Bruce was also a very nice guy in the
good old-fashioned sense; a true gentleman. If I was stuck on a desert
island with a thousand others, I would probably go to him first for help and
Bridgeman was the author of Psychology and Evolution: The Origins of Mind
(Sage Press, 2003), and more than 350 articles, chapters, and other
publications. At the time of his death, Bridgeman had numerous papers in
process and in press. He was also highly dedicated to his role as
editor-in-chief of the international journal “Consciousness and Cognition,”
which brought him much professional satisfaction. The journal’s publisher
Adam Fraser recalled an occasion when the editorial office received a
manuscript from a prisoner who had been learning about consciousness: “Bruce
took the time to assess the manuscript, and while it wasn’t right for
publication in the journal, he wrote encouraging words and gave good advice
for how the author may expand his knowledge, hone his skills, and help to use
science to turn his life around. This showed Bruce for the generous and
thoughtful man that I knew him to be.”
Bridgeman earned his undergraduate degree at Cornell University, graduating
cum laude in psychology. He received his Ph.D. from Stanford University,
where he studied with Dr. Karl Pribram, and worked as a post doctoral fellow
at the Free University of Berlin and UC Berkeley with Dr. OJ Grusser and Dr.
Lawrence Stark, receiving both a National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Post-doctoral Fellowship and an Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Fellowship,
before joining UC Santa Cruz. During summers from 1993 through 1999,
Bridgeman was a guest professor at the Max-Planck Institute for Psychological
Research in Munich. Bridgeman was also a guest professor at the University
of Padova in 2000 in Padova, Italy.
He received numerous grants from the NIH and other institutions, and
collaborated widely with colleagues throughout the United States and the
world, both in interdisciplinary settings and within his areas of focus. In
2012, he was named the Edward A. Dickson Professor of Psychology, a
prestigious award for emeriti professors. Earlier he won the inaugural award
for social science research at UC Santa Cruz.
Bridgeman had an enormous depth of knowledge and interest in history, music,
the environment, and of course science. He and Diane attended and were
supporters of many professional and community organizations. His singing
career included the Cornell Glee Club, which toured Asia for the U.S.
Department of State in 1966, and both he and Diane sang with the Stanford
University chorus, the Berliner Concert Chor in Berlin, Germany, various
choral groups at UCSC, a chorus in Bielefeld, Germany, and for many years,
the Santa Cruz Chorale.
Bridgeman was an eager advocate of his wife Diane’s work, including her
clinical psychology practice, and her efforts with various professional and
community organizations, such as the Monterey Bay Psychological Association,
the American Psychological Association, and the Santa Cruz Red Cross as
coordinator of its disaster mental health team and its international services
He leaves his wife, Dr. Diane Bridgeman; and daughters Natalie Bridgeman
Fields, an attorney who is founder and executive director of the nonprofit
Accountability Counsel, and Dr. Tess Bridgeman, an attorney who is currently
Special Assistant to the President, Deputy Legal Advisor to the National
Security Council, and Associate Counsel to the President at the White House;
their spouses Carter Fields and Beth George; and Natalie’s three children,
Nicholas, Juliet, and Tobin Bridgeman Fields. He also leaves his brother Dr.
Brent Bridgeman and many nieces and nephews.
A memorial event celebrating Professor Bridgeman’s life and career will be
held in October 2016. Specifics of the event, as well as information
regarding a fund that will be established in his honor, will be provided at a
later date.
※ 引述《saiya (台南中肯伯)》之铭言:
: 另一篇
: 美国加州大学圣克鲁兹分校(UC Santa Cruz,UCSC)知名心理学暨生物心理学系教授布
: 里吉曼(Bruce Bridgeman),本月来台演说,在台北遭巴士撞击身亡。
: 根据《中视》7月11日报导,美籍男子10号中午在台北市仁爱路横过马路时,
: 疑似不熟路况,只看到左边来车,没发现右边公共汽车道,惨遭公共汽车撞飞,送医不治。
: 警方表示由于仁爱路路幅宽又是单行道,公共汽车道却是双向,一旁又有绿带树木阻挡视线
: ,美籍男子疑似不熟悉路况,才酿成魂断异乡的悲剧。
: 该名男子是知名心理学暨生物心理学系教授布里吉曼,在亚洲进行巡回演说,
: 原定10日于台北医学大学发表演说,不料发生意外。
: (即时新闻中心/综合报导)
作者: nautasechs (Nomen mihi est Mark)   2016-07-29 10:33:00
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英文都看不懂 程度有这么好喔
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R. I. P
作者: mairjlin (马桶吃大便)   2016-07-29 10:46:00
看完了 天妒英才 RIP
作者: GonVolcano (火山君)   2016-07-29 10:49:00
作者: AngeLucifer (ウソのうまい男)   2016-07-29 10:52:00
aninternationally renowned researcher on spatialorientation and neurosci托福级看得懂?好奇
作者: ppc ( )   2016-07-29 10:52:00

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