※ 引述《polkjhbv (polkjhbv)》之铭言:
: 电脑天才抓到脸书漏洞 FB给3万台币道谢
: 2016年05月04日13:07
: 曾删除脸书创办人贴文、成功协助家属破解艺人杨又颖手机密码而声名大噪的台湾电脑天
: 才张启元,又有惊人之举。他在脸书发文透露“FB终于审核过我提交的漏洞了”,而且脸
: 书也将提供他1000美元、折合台币31975元的奖励。
: 不过张启元也在脸书上发文说“在我觉得我在资安这方面完全没希望的时候 居然收到这
: 个消息 要我情何以堪?”,对此张启元妈妈在底下回文鼓励“加油 你终于被FB认同了”
: ,也期望张启原能够继续朝这方面努力。(叶国吏/综合报导)
: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/life/20160504/852897
: 苹果日报
反观有个10岁芬兰男孩找到一个instagram的漏洞 FB就给他10000美金(约7000英镑)
http://tinyurl.com/zrjfcw2 (BBC NEWS)
A 10-year-old boy Finnish boy named Jani has been given $10,000 (£7,000)
after he found a security flaw in image-sharing social network Instagram.
The boy, who technically is not allowed to even join the site for another
three years, discovered a bug that allowed him to delete comments made by
other users.
The issue was "quickly" fixed after being discovered, said Facebook, which
owns Instagram.
Jani was paid soon after - making him the youngest ever recipient of the
firm's "bug bounty" prize.
After discovering the flaw in February, he emailed Facebook.
Security engineers at the company set up a test account for Jani to prove his
theory - which he did.
The boy, from Helsinki, told Finnish newspaper Iltalehti he planned to use
the money to buy a new bike, football equipment and computers for his
Facebook told the BBC it had paid $4.3m to bug bounty recipients since 2011.
Many companies offer a financial incentive for security professionals - and
young children, evidently - to share flaws with the company, rather than
selling them on the black market.