tiara (挺马的愚民快嘘我)
2016-02-05 11:48:16※ 引述《yamayde (亚美蝶)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《wavelet (0)》之铭言:
: : 自由时报
: : http://ent.ltn.com.tw/m/news/breakingnews/1595309
: : 玛丹娜《心叛逆》巡演于8点半开始由DJ Mary Mac暖场,她在台上大喊:“I Love Taiwa
: : n,I love China.”台下听到她喊“爱中国”,突然间就沉默了,后来她为补偿大家又喊
: : 了好几次台湾,但已覆水难收。玛丹娜则到9:45都尚未上台开唱。
: : 备注:
: : 过气了,赶紧到东南亚捞钱
: https://www.facebook.com/DJ-MARYMAC-130987433603095/
: 好了, DJ已经道歉了:
: http://imgur.com/o6j1teD
: "To the people of Taipei my apologies. I was distracted by the amazing energy
: tonight that I mistakingly insulted you all.
: Pls forgive me. All the best to you all. Xo"
: "对所有台湾的人民感到抱歉. 我今晚因为现场很嗨的气氛而一时分心错乱,以至于错误
: 地侮辱了你们所有人...
: 请原谅我...祝福你们..."
: *有人知道被侮辱的点是...???
Good morning. I am sad to see people being mean to eachother underneath my
apology. My apology was supposed to be a positive request asking the people
of Taiwan/ Taipei to forgive a mistake I made which offended many many
people. Please believe that was never my intention. I also see that my
apology did not translate correctly because some people are saying that my
apology states Chinese is "insulting". That is NOT what I said. I would never
say something like that. You cannot translate different languages literally
because most of the time it doesn't make sense. Mis-communication is the
issue here so let's clarify that. Last night I was just simply trying to say
"I love you guys"! I am a lover and a musician. I love everybody from all
over the world. And I love how I can connect with people from all over the
world through music. I think many of you felt a connection last night during
the warm up. We were having so much fun. We are all human, we all have
feelings and we all make mistakes. Therefore I am going to post this apology
once again and delete the first one to get rid of all of the negativity.
Again.... I apologize to those that I offended. All the best to you! Xo
Vett (Vett)
2016-02-05 11:49:00好惨 china在台湾根本是禁语
sagarain (HNY 2010)
2016-02-05 11:49:00love ROC太长了
tml7415 (演員)
2016-02-05 11:50:00台湾人就玻璃心 跟中国人一个样
作者: somefatguy 2016-02-05 11:50:00
幸亏他没说I love you guys, you are my angel
作者: scatology (scatology) 2016-02-05 11:51:00
作者: Qaaaa (小Qa) 2016-02-05 11:52:00
有中国就该封杀 支持乡民
tokyo730714 (....................)
2016-02-05 11:52:00我都不知道台湾人有这么厉害XDD 让这个DJ一再发文
作者: SpecX 2016-02-05 11:53:00
jfw616 (jj)
2016-02-05 11:54:00这不就跟我们的都是地球人一样吗...哈哈哈
tiara (挺马的愚民快嘘我)
2016-02-05 11:54:00他这篇下面好多中国跑去留简体字喔
sarada (Fulang Chang)
2016-02-05 11:54:00DJ吓到了吧 两方人马在她留言下面战 娜姐官方FB那边战更凶
crea0520 (十年之前...)
2016-02-05 11:56:00屎尿未及
tokyo730714 (....................)
2016-02-05 11:56:00老实说我们目前的国名就有CHINA 真是没什么好说的 唉是说如果中国封杀她 会发生什么事
作者: somefatguy 2016-02-05 11:57:00