Re: [新闻] 美防卫规画者 担心台独拖美国下水

楼主: oldTim (TIME WILL TELL)   2015-08-08 15:56:10
Two Myths About Taiwan’s DPP That Need to Be Laid to Rest
The DPP will not ruin cross-strait relations, and it isn’t manipulating
popular protests from behind the scenes.
In his piece “Time to Review US Policy on Taiwan?” Dennis V. Hickey makes
several important points about the future of the United States’ relationship
with Taiwan, and there is no doubt that those should be addressed seriously
to ensure continued stability in the Taiwan Strait. Unfortunately, the author
presents a picture of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP),
currently the favorite in the January 2016 elections, and Taiwan’s civil
society that is highly misinformed and which risks misleading the very
American officials who will be charged with formulating a coherent
U.S.-Taiwan strategy for the future.
Dennis V. Hickey的文章点出维持台湾海峡稳定是重点大家都同意,但关于DPP
To begin with, Hickey writes that while the DPP has sought to “‘rebrand”
itself as a “responsible” alternative to the Chinese Nationalist Party
(KMT), “U.S. defense planners cannot help but wonder if the DPP will seek to
entrap the U.S. in a cross-strait crisis in an effort to achieve its dreams
of independence from China.”
Hickey doesn’t seem to realize that the DPP under chairperson and
presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen is no longer the party that caused the
U.S. administration headaches when Chen Shui-bian was president. Not only did
it learn its lessons from the past, DPP officials are also well aware that
returning to the contentious practices of the past would cost it the
confidence and support that it has earned back over the years. Academics have
no problem assuming that Beijing learned its lessons from the 1995-96 Missile
Crisis and that it would not return to the path of belligerence, and yet they
seem incapable of acknowledging that the DPP—a party that, unlike its
counterpart in Beijing, must actually abide by democratic rules—can also
have learned from the past, a bias that often clouds judgment.
Additionally, the DPP has had close, sustained, and highly constructive
dialogue with U.S. officials based in Taipei, ensuring that the two sides are
on the same page on the important issues.
Despite Hickey’s contention that she “has done little to assuage such fears
” and that her positions “on many of the most important issues of the day
remain opaque and unclear, especially her plans for handling relations with
Beijing,” Tsai has been rather clear on the point that her cross-strait
platform is based on maintaining the “status quo” under the current
constitutional framework (i.e., the Republic of China) and “accumulated
outcomes” (i.e., not undoing what has been achieved in cross-strait
rapprochement by previous administrations). In other words, Tsai promises
continuity under a policy that is strikingly similar to that of her
predecessor, President Ma Ying-jeou of the KMT—so much so, in fact, that the
deep “green” elements within Taiwanese society have repeatedly accused her
of engineering a KMT-ization of her party. Two pro-independence parties were
established recently in reaction to that perceived shift toward the center.
、"accumulated outcome"(不会撤除上一任政府签的任何海峡两岸协议)已经讲的
Moreover, Tsai has engaged in dialogue with her counterparts in China and has
actively sought to establish a workable modus vivendi for the two sides. The
only line that Ms. Tsai will not cross—and she has also been clear on that
point—is adherence to the “1992 consensus” and its attendant “one China”
framework. There is no secret plan to drag the U.S. into a war with China to
realize the dream of de jure independence, for in Tsai’s mind, Taiwan (or
the ROC) is already independent; her biggest task if and once she is elected
would be to revive a still-stagnant economy and modernize the social safety
net, among other issues.
Relations between Taiwan and China exist in the grey area between two
extremes, one of which (“unification”) is unacceptable to the Taiwanese.
Therefore no policy will ever be completely clear, and politicians in Taipei
and Beijing must navigate between those two extremes (knowing that Taiwanese
won’t accept unification forces Beijing to also adopt a
less-than-perfectly-clear cross-strait policy).
暂定协定(modus vivendi),唯一蔡不会跨过的线
作者: banbee100 (BB)   2015-08-08 15:58:00
作者: vonannes   2015-08-08 15:59:00
反正台湾人再继续当青蛙的话 一定会被煮熟的有天
作者: Roger5566 (我难过)   2015-08-08 15:59:00
少了阿扁 但是多了大肠花 力量更强大
作者: pizzafan (七情三想)   2015-08-08 16:03:00
投名状 那3个老人就是国民党! 老是向中央报告都土匪的错
作者: gca00631 (囧)   2015-08-08 16:14:00
作者: ayaerika (泽尻最美)   2015-08-08 16:17:00
作者: aza0290 (阿兹)   2015-08-08 16:27:00
作者: vincentkuo (甜瓜)   2015-08-08 16:33:00
作者: presto286 (presto)   2015-08-08 16:58:00

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