Re: [爆挂] 华尔街日报报导麦当劳事件

楼主: smvv (美丽天空(三等士官长))   2015-06-25 23:47:45
弹出去这么小的事,根本不痛不痒啦! 台湾市场哪么小又已经快饱和,当然是被列入优先
※ 引述《neo5277 (I am an agent of chaos)》之铭言:
: McDonald’s Aims to Sell Taiwan Stores, Expand China Franchise Business
: Fast-food operator has typically operated own stores in newer markets to
: oversee quality and growth
: A McDonald's in Taipei, Taiwan, pictured Thursday. ENLARGE
: June 25, 2015 4:16 a.m. ET
: McDonald’s Corp. is aiming to sell its stores in Taiwan to a
: franchise operator and expand its franchise business in China, a spokesman
: said Thursday, as the company tries to turn around its fortunes in Asia and
: cut costs globally.
: McDonald’s uses franchisees and licensees in its more mature markets, like
: the U.S. But elsewhere it has largely relied on a more costly model of
: operating its own stores to oversee their quality and growth.
: The Oak Brook, Ill., company’s new chief executive, Steve Easterbrook, has
: been overhauling its U.S. business, including by selling more restaurants to
: franchises and eliminating management layers. Now he’s turning to the
: international market in an effort to boost sales and profits.
: Mr. Easterbrook has said global franchise ownership, including the U.S., will
: expand to 90% from 81% currently, and that the company will sell 3,500
: restaurants to franchisees by 2018.
: McDonald’s is looking for a franchise candidate to run its 413 Taiwan
: stores, which it has operated itself since entering the market more than
: three decades ago, the spokesman said.
: McDonald’s operated all its stores in China for more than two decades, until
: 2008 when it turned to franchising. By the end of last year, around 20% of
: its 2,000-plus stores in China were franchised, and the company plans to
: continue increasing the licensees and franchisees, the spokesman said. “
: Franchising is about growth and economic efficiency,” he said.
: McDonald’s sales in Asia tumbled after problems with one of its suppliers
: last year affected its available menu items and crippled sales. Sales at
: stores open more than a year Japan, where McDonald’s has also faced food
: contamination scares, and China declined 32.3% and 4.8%, respectively, in the
: first quarter, Kevin Ozan, McDonald’s chief financial officer, said in an
: April earnings call. The company says it is still aiming to pull back
: consumers that it lost last year.
: Executives also said previously that McDonald’s would close 700
: underperforming stores primarily in Japan, China and the U.S. Mr. Easterbrook
: said the company expects China sales to return to “a normalized level of
: performance by midyear.”
: Write to Laurie Burkitt at

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