→ sean0401: 另外官方的声明看看就好,现在泰国人都往韩国跑了 06/18 11:31
推 sean0401: 泰国人在日本、香港、韩国都免签,所以现在ㄧ部分往日 06/18 11:33
→ sean0401: 本跑 06/18 11:33
→ sean0401: 他们在韩国所得比台湾人在台湾所得高,大概在50k 06/18 11:34
@ American Research Institute for Policy Development http://is.gd/1xEhh9 P58
美利坚的 研究 机构 为了 政策 发展 http://i.imgur.com/EdSJtRA.png
※ Korea's Employment Permit System and Wage Development of Foreign Workers ※
韩国的 雇用 准许 系统 与 工资 发展 的 外国的 工人们
> Average monthly wage (2013),foreign workers ,Manufacturing industry
平均 月的 工资 (2013) 外国的 工人们 , 制造 行业
Furniture manufacturing 973233won
Leather, bag, and shoes manufacturing 1026912
Rubber and plastic products 979497
Metalwork products (excluding machinery and furniture) 1051676
Metal and nonmetal material recycling 1041860
Other machinery and equipment manufacturing 1068077
Other transportation equipment manufacturing 1100314
Other product manufacturing 1101439
= NT$30687#
Lumber and wood product manufacturing (excluding furniture) 1001523
Nonmetal mineral product industry 1034123
Textile product industry (excluding clothes sewing) 971152
Food and beverage product manufacturing 1015384
Medical/precision/optical instruments and clock manufacturing 1047778
Clothes, clothing accessories, and fur products 1060414
Printing and recording medium reproduction 1048342
Automobile and trailer manufacturing 955492
= NT$26621#
Electric equipment 1016196
Electronic parts, computer, video, sound, and communication equipment 979043
Primary metal industry 1005663
Cokes, coal briquette, and petroleum refining product manufacturing 1025777
Pulp, paper, and paper product manufacturing 983345
Compounds and chemical products industry(excluding medicines) 1015722
# YAHOO Currency Converter http://i.imgur.com/zYPn7uS.png
雅虎 货币 转换 http://i.imgur.com/hkOn8Pq.png
→ sean0401: 另外官方的声明看看就好,现在泰国人都往韩国跑了 06/18 11:31
推 sean0401: 泰国人在日本、香港、韩国都免签,所以现在ㄧ部分往日 06/18 11:33
→ sean0401: 本跑 06/18 11:33
→ sean0401: 他们在韩国所得比台湾人在台湾所得高,大概在50k 06/18 11:34
@ American Research Institute for Policy Development http://is.gd/1xEhh9 P60
美利坚的 研究 机构 为了 政策 发展 http://i.imgur.com/igsRwht.png
※ Korea's Employment Permit System and Wage Development of Foreign Workers ※
韩国的 雇用 准许 系统 与 工资 发展 的 外国的 工人们
> Average monthly wage (2013),foreign workers ,Manufacturing industry
平均 月的 工资 (2013) 外国的 工人们 , 制造 行业
Gangwon 江原 1019491 won
Gyeonggi 京畿 1025575 圜
Gyeongnam 庆南 988944
Gyeongbuk 庆北 986536
Gwangju 光州 944698 = NT$26320#
Daegu 大邱 965299
Daejeon 大田 1003292
Busan 釜山 1075894
Seoul 首尔 1153539 = NT$32139#
Ulsan 蔚山 1140362
Incheon 仁川 987585
Jeonnam 全南 1127182
Jeonbuk 全北 1037408
Jeju 济州 1028662
Chungnam 忠南 1001185
Chungbuk 忠北 981562
# YAHOO Currency Converter http://i.imgur.com/ld6l5T3.png
雅虎 货币 转换 http://i.imgur.com/ENU6taG.png