※ 引述《Guerrieri (Taylor)》之铭言:
: 中国生产“塑胶毒米” 入侵印尼市场
: 苹果
: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20150527/617914/
: 2015年05月27日17:31
: 印尼媒体报导,印尼警方上周三(20日)搜查雅加达东郊的一家商店,发现该店出售的稻米
: 中掺杂了“塑胶毒米”,这种“塑胶毒米”含有聚氯乙烯(PVC,Poly-vinyl Chloride),
: 通常被用来做水管、电缆和地砖;后来又发现米中含有其他化学物质。报导指出,长期食
: 用这种“塑胶毒米”,会引发腹部疼痛,甚至癌症。据传,这些毒米是由中国走私进入印
: 尼销售。
: 印尼贸易部长高贝尔表示,“塑胶毒米”已经引起民众恐慌,印尼政府高度重视此问题。
: 《美国之音电台》网站日前报导,中国商务部副部长王受文与高贝尔会谈时承诺,将协助
: 印尼调查掺杂薯粉和有毒塑料的“塑胶毒米”事件。
: 居住在雅加达华人表示,印尼人普遍吃泰国米及印尼米,但因印尼米口感较粗糙,泰国米
: 价钱较高,不少人会贪小便宜,选择中国米,近年愈来愈多中国人在印尼聚居,中国食品
: 也不断增加。
BPOM, police find no plastics in rice.
Ina Parlina, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Headlines | Wed, May 27 2015, 1:19 PM
The government announced on Tuesday that a round of official laboratory tests
found no plastic substances in controversial rice samples from Bekasi, West
President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo held a meeting on Tuesday to discuss the
results with National Police Gen. Badrodin Haiti, Trade Minister Rachmat
Gobel and Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) head Roy Sparringa before
the government made the public announcement.
Unlike the results from tests done recently by state-owned PT Sucofindo,
which confirmed that the rice contained polyvinyl chloride (PVC), the tests
conducted by the laboratories of the police, the BPOM, the Trade Ministry and
the Agriculture Ministry showed negative results for plastic substances,
Badrodin announced after the meeting.
(PS. 这间是印尼一间非常大很有名的实验室)
“The results found no plastic substances,” Badrodin said.
According to Badrodin, other tests conducted by the BPOM and police
laboratories on samples of the same rice tested by Sucofindo also showed
negative results.
“Therefore, I urge people not to worry. Should there be any suspicion [of
similar cases of synthetic rice], please report it to the local police or
authorities,” he added.
Artificial rice was believed to have been circulating in traditional markets
following reports on a porridge seller named Dewi Septiani in Mustika Jaya,
Bekasi, involving pictures of alleged fake rice uploaded to social media.
Last week, Jokowi urged people to wait for the official results of tests on
the alleged counterfeit rice, which was believed to have been imported from
Jokowi also questioned the motive behind the alleged artificial rice, saying
it did not make sense if it was intended to seek profit, since the cost to
produce such counterfeit rice was reportedly higher than natural rice.
Sucofindo previously confirmed that the rice included PVC usually found in
pipes, as well as plasticizer chemical substances usually found in hydraulic
tools and electric capacitors that could cause kidney, liver and lung
problems and cancer if consumed.
Badrodin added that the different results could be caused by differing
interpretation of the lab result, saying that Sucofindo performed a
qualitative analysis without making any confirmation using a reference
substance for the plastic material contained in the rice samples.
Another possibility, Badrodin said, was that the equipment used in Sucofindo’
s tests was contaminated.
Roy confirmed that the BPOM’s tests on its own samples, as well as samples
obtained from Sucofindo, showed negative results for plastic substances.
According to Roy, his office has also communicated with the International
Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN) under the World Health Organization
(WHO), which said that no similar cases had ever occurred.
“Therefore, we want the public to be calm,” he said. “We, the BPOM, have
instructed local offices nationwide to cooperate with other local
authorities, like the local industry and trade agencies, in addressing the
matter. We are ready to conduct tests [should there be further concerns].”
According to Rachmat, the Chinese Trade Ministry has said that “such
artificial rice was never produced in China”, while Malaysia’s Trade
Ministry said that a similar rumor also occurred in Malaysia but no fake rice
was found. - See more at: