XDos (XDos)
2015-05-11 22:46:07BBC
Wild boar wanders into Hong Kong shopping mall
一只野猪迷路 从森林跑到香港商城附近 最后被困在儿童服装店内
它从正常的栖地误闯到柴湾的商城 待了四个小时
这只25公斤的野猪先被带到安置处 之后会送到动物医院
香港新闻报导 野猪爬楼梯到屋顶 跌到柜子上
在店里到处乱跑 撞倒模特儿跟招牌
这只猪不知道从哪里跑出来 它想从玻璃窗逃出
又撞开门钻进试衣间 其实猪不笨
香港的郊区常常可见野猪 而且它可能会有攻击性
最大可长到2公尺长 重200公斤
A wild boar escaped the forest to run around a Hong Kong shopping mall,
eventually getting trapped inside a children's clothing store.
The female boar strayed from its normal habitat to the Chai Wan mall in the
east of Hong Kong, where it stayed for four hours.
Reports said it climbed up a ladder before falling through the shop's roof.
The 25kg (55lb) boar was eventually tranquilised before being taken to an
animal rehabilitation centre.
News reports in Hong Kong said the boar fell through the roof on to the top
of display case.
It then jumped to the floor and ran around the shop, knocking over mannequins
and signs.
The shop's manager told the South China Morning Post: "It just came in out of
nowhere, and turned around at the window.
"It also pushed open the fitting room door and got in. Pigs are actually not
Wild boar are common in Hong Kong's countryside, and can become aggressive
when confronted.
They can grow to 2m in length (6.6 feet) and weigh up to 200kg (440lb).
※ 例如苹果日报、奇摩新闻
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