Fox News: Taiwan ruling party leader affirms eventual reunification with
China during Beijing meeting
美国大众新闻: 台湾执政党领袖确认与中国最终统一
The Guardian: Taiwan ruling party leader affirms support for unity with
mainland China
英国卫报: 台湾执政党领袖确认支持与中国统一
The Morning Star: Taiwan Nationalists Restate Reunification Wish
英国晨星报: 台湾国民政府重申统一愿望
The Australian: Taiwanese Nationalist Party chief Eric Chu backs mainland
澳洲人: 台湾国民政府党主席支持中国大陆统一
Today: Kuomintang chief reaffirms support for eventual reunion with China
VOA: The Taiwanese politician expressed his party's support for unification
with China.
有种一点 好吗?