※ 引述《RandyMarsh (屎蛋爸)》之铭言:
: 台湾醒报
: 对抗爱滋病毒 出现新抗体
: 共同参与研究的巴尔的摩博士说:“我们的I.G.T技术是试图去做免疫系统的强化,而非
: 去刺激免疫系统,所以我们所做的和疫苗技术有根本性的差异,虽然最终的结果相当类似
: 。”根据此技术的人体实验目前也已正在筹划进行,科学家认为这可能成为未来对抗公共
: 疾病风险免疫领域的一场巨大革命。
: https://anntw.com/articles/20150310-qdmE
就是诺贝尔生理医学奖得主,娶了华人老婆的新分子生物学之一把交椅的 大卫.巴尔的摩
Meanwhile, in 2011, Dr. Baltimore and his colleagues showed that
antibodies delivered into cells with viruses could protect mice against
injections of H.I.V., suggesting that I.G.T. could protect people against
H.I.V. in contaminated needles.
But most H.I.V. infections occur through sex. So Dr. Baltimore and his
colleagues also infected female mice with H.I.V. through their vaginal
membranes. Last year, they reported that the technique also protected
mice from infection in this way.
这人真是它 x 的有够威,不知道是不是有可能跟
分子生物学 DNA、蛋白质定序教父 的 桑格 一样,领两次诺贝尔奖...