[新闻]希腊一架F-16D失事 造成10死13伤

楼主: shiuping (peter)   2015-01-27 09:20:19
1.媒体来源:The Aviationist
2.完整新闻标题: 希腊空军一架 F-16D 起飞时失事 波及地面上的战机和人员
Greek F-16 has reportedly crashed on TLP apron during take off from Albacete.
Other aircraft reportedly hit
Spanish media outlets have been issuing updates since the incident occurred
around 3.00 PM LT: according to the latest reports, 2 people were killed and
10 injured as a consequence of the crash.
Update 18.30 GMT
10 casualties and 13 injured people, according to the latest reports from the
crash scene. At least one French Alpha Jet seems to have been hit by the
F-16D; U.S. F-15E aircraft appears to be parked close to wrecked Fighting
According to the Italian MoD 9 Italian military injured in the Greek Air
Force F-16D crash at Albacete in Spain. The Italian contingent taking part in
TLP includes 2 AMX jets from 51° Stormo (Wing) of the Italian Air Force from
Istrana airbase and 5 AV-8B+ Harrier II of the Italian Navy from Grottaglie
希腊的一架F-16D于西班牙的北约基地起飞时失事 撞及地面上的人员和战机
至少地面上一架法军的Alpha教练机遭到波及了, 另一架美军的F-15E也差一点遭殃
整起事故目前造成希腊F-16D机上2名飞官, 地面上2名法军飞官和6名地勤人员殉职
4.完整新闻连结 (或短网址):
作者: ok5566 (洨王子)   2014-01-27 09:20:00
作者: bbdirty5566 (尊爵不凡蓝鸟40)   2015-01-27 09:21:00
作者: VVizZ (我很穷)   2015-01-27 09:21:00
作者: Leeng (Leeng)   2015-01-27 09:22:00
死因:马英九坐过战斗机 波及到全世界的战斗机 结案
作者: shun01 (老胡做13年,青沼瞬活14年)   2015-01-27 09:23:00
作者: nosay (拥有16分之1日本皇室血统)   2015-01-27 09:26:00
编号该不会有个九吧 ~
作者: cluku (汪汪~我是猫)   2015-01-27 09:31:00

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