※ 引述《flydragon198 (Richard)》之铭言:
: : 如果没有的话,有没有什么办法能知道他们大概已经花了多少钱来打这场选战?
: 肥D的竞选旗帜,竞选看板,广告什么的,全部都是支持者自愿掏腰包买的啦
: 肥D完全 不清楚、不知道、不是我 去做的
日前正好追到一出美剧 看了下面这桥段 对照时事 真是心有戚戚焉
一个大老板的手下出槌 被大老板的律师发现
大老板 : Harvey, I want you to know that I knew nothing about any of this.
律师 : Dean, when I was 13 years old, my little brother was getting bullied
by a kid in the neighborhood.
One day, I confronted the kid's father.
He told me he didn't know anything about it.
You know what his problem was?
It was his goddamn job to know. 知情是他的职责
一个对自己的团队 干了什么 都不知道不清楚的人