Pony5566 (Luna Akbar)
2014-06-02 00:41:51刚刚去看了ColleageLately的页面
I learned about CollegeLately as an evaluator for the University of Chicago
New Venture Challenge. What impressed me about CollegeLately's concept was
the diligent research that had been done to prove their concept (i.e. piloted
crush pages to collect supporting data). Upon meeting with the team, I was
further impressed by the potential for exponential growth in users based on
the pilots data. More pilot sites are needed to confirm these findings,
especially at the big schools (most pilots have been small). The team also
has a clear model to monetize and I am encouraged by their ambition - the
goal is to leverage FB users of college crush sites managed by CollegeLately
into a user base for a new social networking app. With guidance from
experienced strategists, CollegeLately has real promise. Execution will be
key. Finally, and critically, the team is determined and confident in its
leadership. Zihan's resolve to succeed as an entrepreneur is founded on life
and work experience