You have probably heard this advice before, dear Gemini: It isn't how many tim
es you get knocked down; it's how many times you get up. In other words, if yo
u keep getting up - if you keep trying - then you still have a chance to succe
ed. It may seem an obvious clich but it's universally true - that's what mak
es it obvious. If you feel down and out because of something you have tried an
d failed at, even if you failed at it multiple times. You need to remember thi
s. You are aiming high, dear Gemini, and that's excellent. You need to remain
determined and to keep trying.
换句话说,如果你持续爬起来 — 如果你持续尝试,那么你仍然有成功的机会。
它也许似乎很明显是陈腔滥调,但是它却是普遍正确的 — 这是它显而易见的原因。
Ps. 如果有误译请指教,谢谢。