[情报] 01/10 the daily horoscope

楼主: Nicolas01 (Nicolas)   2025-01-09 16:15:41
You may be getting a lot of feedback and opinions on a decision that you have
been struggling with. While that should make it easier to make a choice, it mi
ght actually be making it harder for you, dear Gemini. You are hearing good ad
vice from other people, and these are people you find trustworthy - but now th
ere might seem to be too many good options to choose from. Take what you have
learned and write it all down. Compare and contrast it, creating a list of pro
s and cons. The best decision will be the one you make after you analyze all o
f the guidance you have received.
你正在聆听其他人好的建议,而这些人都是你值得信赖的人 —
Ps. 如果有误译请指教,谢谢。
作者: AnitaWW (矮额)   2025-01-09 23:27:00

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