[情报] 06/04 the daily horoscope

楼主: tsaosp (Guardian Angel)   2024-06-03 00:20:28
You may be having a hard time staying focused on a project you wanted to work
on today, dear Gemini. Could it be that you are simply being distracted by mor
e pressing issues, or is it the project itself that is boring you? If you have
other priorities, deal with them. If not, then explore the reasons why you ca
n't devote your full attention to the project you wish to complete. Maybe you
have already invested so much in it that you don't want to let it go. However,
there might be something better for you that is beckoning. Take some time tod
ay to explore the possibilities.
Ps. 如果有误译的话请指教,谢谢。
作者: AnitaWW (矮额)   2024-06-03 22:05:00

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