The "fight or flight" response is a reaction to a situation that's perceived a
s dangerous; it leads a person to either stay and fight or to flee. It's an em
otional, non-logical reaction that's meant to keep you safe from harm - to be
prepared to deal with it, even if it means running away. But sometimes it is b
ased on the wrong perception. You may be experiencing a fear response to somet
hing you find emotionally challenging, such as the deepening of a relationship
. You may want to get away from it, but it might actually be something that co
uld be good for you. Before you run, or before you "fight," Gemini, figure out
why you feel that way.
它是情绪的、非逻辑的反应,那意味着保持你安全远离伤害 —
Ps. 如果有误译请指教,谢谢。