tsaosp (Guardian Angel)
2023-04-30 04:18:59Your path through life has been a bit twisting and turning in recent weeks, Ge
mini. You may have experienced actual setbacks, or you may simply have been co
ntemplating where you want to take your life next. It may feel like a shaky ti
me to you, but it's really a time of opportunity. You have a chance now to dec
ide which way to go at that fork in the road that lies ahead. Things are chang
ing, but those changes can offer you a path to greater happiness than you have
ever known. Today, you need to refuse to look ahead with fear - you need to l
ook ahead with hope.
今天,你需要拒绝带着恐惧向前看 — 你需要带着希望向前看。
Ps. 如果有误译请指教,谢谢。