[情报] 09/28 the daily horoscope

楼主: Nicolas01 (Nicolas)   2022-09-27 08:46:28
Your efforts to understand someone's motivation for being unfair to you may no
t be successful, Gemini. And what's more, it shouldn't really matter, anyway.
All you need to know is what you already know - you were treated unfairly or d
isrespectfully. That should be enough to make you want to seek out something d
ifferent, something better, something trustworthy. Don't sell yourself short b
y imagining that there could be a reason that would justify unfairness. You de
serve better, and you can have it - and you will, the sooner you move on.
所有你需要知道的,你都已经知道了 — 你被不公平或者是不尊重地对待。
你值得更好的,而你可以拥有它 — 你会的,你愈早前进。(你愈快拥有)。
Ps. 如果有误译请指教,谢谢。
作者: AnitaWW (矮额)   2022-09-28 09:19:00
有感推 创作自己的价值创造啦 可恶的选字

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