[情报] 07/14 the daily horoscope

楼主: eyes8168 (无念无想)   2017-07-13 22:22:41
You have worked through a plan thoroughly. You thought about it for quite
some time after due diligence. You may have sought feedback and strategized.
You have put that plan into place, Gemini, and there is no turning back - or
at least that may be how you see it right now. But it would benefit you to
look at other options. The astrological climate has changed, and the stars
are encouraging you to do additional discovery before moving forward. Doing
so can only benefit you in the long run.
作者: charleen (大手牵小手)   2017-07-13 22:48:00
作者: Nicolas01 (Nicolas)   2017-07-13 23:23:00
作者: chun7969 (Yi-Chun)   2017-07-13 23:25:00
作者: kowei526 (慢慢走,好好过)   2017-07-14 00:14:00
作者: snowmanturtl (森之杰尼龟)   2017-07-14 06:46:00
作者: december67 (十二月)   2017-07-14 07:47:00

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