[分享]最新 <170903 GRE机经真题整理>

楼主: liamasso (字神帝国)   2017-09-15 12:10:33
▲ 填空
0903 GRE填空/等价真题:总共 20组命中真经班
◆填空命中真经班:The new drug was………
The new drug was useful,
but unfortunately its effect was largely (i) ______ rather than (ii) ______.
【真经班解答】(i) palliative (ii) curative
【真经班解析】palliative : pall(v. 覆蓋)→ 把东西遮盖起来 → 压抑
→ 减缓症状但无法根除疾病的 → 治标不治本的。
◆填空命中真经班:Many of the towns………
Many of the towns that have voted to keepincinerators in
the county'ssolid-waste plan have done so not because
they necessarily (i) ______ incinerators, but because
they are (ii) ______ to narrowtheir waste-disposal options.
【真经班解答】(i) favor (ii) loath
【真经班解析】incinerator : incinerate(v. 烧成灰烬)
<-ciner: candle 蜡烛> + < -or:人或物的字尾 >
→ 用来将东西烧成灰烬的设备 →焚化炉。
◆填空命中真经班:Some climatologists dismiss………
◆填空命中真经班:Science is arguably a very………
◆填空命中真经班:In years prior to the Civil War………
◆填空命中真经班:The notion of film producers………
◆填空命中真经班:The novel's heroine shows………
◆填空命中真经班:For many years, Americans………
◆填空命中真经班:In establishing that the dust………
◆填空命中真经班:The economic recovery………
◆填空命中真经班:The paleontologist examined………
◆填空命中真经班:For decades, Pluto………
◆填空命中真经班:the notion that attention………
◆填空命中真经班:To get funding………
◆填空命中真经班:The researcher noted………
◆填空命中真经班:The environmental threat posed………
◆填空命中真经班:The artist is known for………
◆填空命中真经班:It remains a mystery………
◆填空命中真经班:In an ironic twist………
▲ 阅读
0903 GRE阅读:总共命中五篇阅读真经班原题(共14题)
◆0903 GRE阅读第一篇命中:Jane Austen 珍.奥斯汀
Jane Austen's relationship to Romanticism has long been a vexed one.
Although her dates (1775- 1817) place her squarely within the period,
she traditionally has been studied apart from the male poets whose work
defined British Romanticism for most of the twentieth century.
In the past her novels were thought to follow an Augustan mode at odds with
the Romantic ethos. Even with the advent of historicist and feminist criticism,
which challenged many previous characterizations of Austen as detached from
the major social, political and aesthetic currents of her time, she continued
to be distinguished from her malea ntempores Jerome McCann, for example,
insists chat Austen does not espouse the Romantic ideology.
Anne Mellor declares that Austen, along with other "leading women intellectual
and writers of the day" "did not," participate in the Romantic
"spirit of the age" but instead embraced an alternative ideology that Mellor
labels "feminine Romanticism".
To be sure, some critics throughout the years have argued for Austen's
affinities with one or more of the male Romantic poets. A special issue
of the Wordsworth Circle (Autumn 1976) was devoted to exploring connections
between Austen and her male contemporaries. Clifford Siskin in his historicist
study of Romanticism argued that Austen does participate in the same major
innovation, the naturalization of belief in a developing self,
as characterizes Wordsworth's poetry and other key works from the period.
Recently, three books have appeared (by Clara Tuite,
William Galperin, and William Deresiewicz) that in various ways treat
Austen as a Romantic writer and together signal a shift in the tendency to
segregate the major novelist of the age from the major poets.
The present essay seeks to contribute to this goal of firmly integrating
Austen within the Romantic Movement and canon. It does so by pointing out
affinities between Austen and a writer with whom she has not commonly been
associated, John Keats. Most comparisons of Austen and the Romantic poets
have focused on Wordsworth and Byron, whose works we know she read.
Although Austen could not have read Keats's poems,
which only began to appear in print during the last years of her life,
and there is no evidence that Keats knew Austen's novels, a number of
important similarities can be noted in these writers' works that provide
further evidence to link Austen with the Romantic movement,
especially the period of second-generation
Romanticism when all of her novels were published.
1. The primary purpose of the passage is to
provide support for a new approach to a writer's work
2. The author of the passage describes Austen relationship to
Romanticism as "vexed" mainly because her novels were written
during the Romantic period, yet she is not treated as a Romantic writer
3. According to the passage, compared to critics trained in
"historicist and feminist criticism," earlier critics of Austen were
more likely to represent her as isolated from the major
intellectual currents of her period.
4. The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with
which of the following statements about the concept of "feminine Romanticism"?
It contributes to Austen's vexed relationship to Romanticism by keeping her
separate from the male writers whose poetry is central to the period
◆0903 GRE阅读第二篇命中:Exposition: Proportional Representation 比例代表
◆0903 GRE阅读第三篇命中:Younger Dryas 新仙女木期
◆0903 GRE阅读第四篇命中:Charlotte Bronte 夏绿蒂·勃朗特
◆0903 GRE阅读第五篇命中:Nest Selection of River Blenny 河鲶鱼选址筑窝
▲ 写作
Issue: 13、28、61、76、113
[13、28、61、113 ] 命中GRE作文黄宝书9月号
Argument: 3、35、69、78、117
[78、152 ] 命中GRE作文黄宝书9月号
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