[分享] <161204 GRE机经真题整理>

楼主: liamasso (字神帝国)   2016-12-25 14:51:33
【最新161204 GRE机经真题整理】
▲ 阅读
1204 GRE阅读:总共命中六篇阅读真经班原题(共14题)
◆ 1204 GRE阅读第一篇命中:Didactic American Lit 说教的美国文学
1. Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted
It explains why the fiction mentioned in the first sentence
was not popular in the twentieth century.
2. In the context in which it appears, "conveying" most nearly means
◆ 1204 GRE阅读第二篇命中:Attine Ants 真菌蚁
1. The passage points out which of the following in order to explain
the appeal of the notion that some attine ants cultivate and
control fungus?
The ants play the behaviorally active role in the symbiotic
2. In the context in which it appears, the word "manipulate" most
nearly means
◆ 1204 GRE阅读第三篇命中:Stress Triggers Earthquakes 压力触发地震
1. According to the passage, which of the following is an assumption
that may be invalidated by recent seismological evidence?
A fault that has resulted in a major earthquake becomes quiet
for a long period.
2. The passage suggests that most seismologists believe which of the
following about fault stresses?
(For the following question, consider each of the choices
separately and select all that apply.)
They are dissipated when they result in an earthquake.
They will not cause a major earthquake along the same
fault in the space of a few years.
◆ 1204 GRE阅读第四篇命中:AVANT-GARDE ARTISTS前卫艺术
◆ 1204 GRE阅读第五篇命中:Jane Austen 珍.奥斯汀
1. The primary purpose of the passage is to
provide support for a new approach to a writer's work
2. The author of the passage describes Austen relationship to
Romanticism as "vexed" mainly because
her novels were written during the Romantic period, yet she
is not treated as a Romantic writer
3. According to the passage, compared to critics trained in
"historicist and feminist criticism," earlier critics of
Austen were
more likely to represent her as isolated from the major
intellectual currents of her period.
4. The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with
which of the following statements about the concept of
"feminine Romanticism"?
It contributes to Austen's vexed relationship to Romanticism
by keeping her separate from the male writers whose poetry is
central to the period
◆ 1204 GRE阅读第六篇命中:Massive Projectiles 巨大射体
1. According to the passage, which of the following is true of
the collisions mentioned in the highlighted sentence?
They result in the complete destruction of the impacting body.
2. The author of the passage asserts which of the following about
titanic collision models?
Such models are so tempting that they run the risk of being
used indiscriminately to explain unusual planetary features.
3. The passage suggests that which of the following is true of the
cited "compounds and elements"?
They are present on Earth but not on the Moon.
4. In the second paragraph, the author is primarily concerned with
Arguing in favor of a particular theory about the formation
of the Earth- Moon system.
▲ 填空
◆填空命中真经班:The research on otters' environmental……
【真经班解答】(i) difficult (ii) relatively simple (iii) exceptional
【真经班字源】exceptional:< ex-:out 排除> + <-cep = -cap:hold 握 >
→ 没有握住的 → 被排除了 → 排除在普通大众以外的 → 和一般人不同的
→ 特别的;优秀的。
◆填空命中真经班:The province has long……
【真经班字源】outstrip : v. 追过;胜过,< out-:beyond 超出 >
+ strip(v. 剥夺)→ 先夺到某物 → 胜过。
◆填空命中真经班:Unlike some mammals……
【真经班字源】impassivity : n.不流露情感;平静;泰然自若;缺乏感情,
< im- = in-:not 否定字首 > + passion(n. 热情)→缺乏热情的→平静
◆填空命中真经班:What differentiates……
【真经班解答】scolding = admonishment
【真经班字源】scold : v. 训斥;责骂,abscond(v.为躲避罪责、债务等潜逃)
→ 训责这样的人
◆填空命中真经班:Shifting Fortunes takes……
【真经班解答】circumscribed = confined
【真经班字源】circumscribe : v. 限制…的活动范围,<circum-:around 周围>
+ < -scribe:write 写 > → 只能在某范围内写 → 约束、限制。
◆填空命中真经班:Consuming 25 to 35 percent……
【真经班解答】prodigious = voracious
【真经班字源】prodigious : a. 大得令人惊叹的,< pro-:before > +
<-dig = -dic:say 说 > → 在事情发生之前就说出来 → 能预言的人 →
先知 → 奇才 → 天才儿童(prodigy) → 奇才 → 惊人的 → 大得令人惊叹的
◆填空命中真经班:Although the employees'…?[mK
【真经班解答】civility = comity
【真经班字源】comity : n. 礼让;礼貌:社会和谐的气氛,courtesy
(n.礼貌)→ 有礼貌的 → 礼让。
▲ 数学:同学回报
◆比大小: n is positive integer
A: 1/(2^n) B: 2*(1/3^n)
◆比大小: 数列 Q1. Q2. Q3....Qn,Q1=6 ,Qn+1=(1/3)*Q
A: Q17 B:(1/3)^10*Q27
◆比大小: a,b,c,d,e,f positive numbers
A: range of a,b,c,d,e,f
B: range of a^2 , b^2 , c^2 , d^2 , e^2 , f^2
◆比大小: P 发生机率是p,不发生机率是q,p-q=0.2
A: p B: 0.6
A: b B: 1/3
◆比大小:一家糖果店, A糖果3.5元/pound ,B糖果 2.5元/pound
照这种价钱,一种mix的糖果 2.65元/pound
A: mix中A的重量 B: mix中B的重量
◆比大小: (x-1)^3 跟 x^3 比较,类似这种题型
◆比大小:M & N 是独立事件, 题目给N 的机率0.36,
问 MN同时发生的机率跟 0.40 谁大谁小?
◆(-0.5)^(-2),(-0.5)^(-1),(-0.5)^0 ,(-0.5)^(1),(-0.5)^(2)
◆某人买p本书花了d块钱 ,问:买p+2000本要花多少钱 (用p、d表示)
◆用三条线切割一个正方形,不能有 overlapping region,问:最多有几个area?
问:第二场表演比平常价格多几% ?
◆正方体12个边的总和是36,求体积? 答: 27
◆16个球跟 XX 个东西放在一起, 各拿一个的机率是多少?
◆0<x<2,问哪个选项是这个答案? 答: |x-1|<1
(ps. 其他选项是 |X|<2 类似这种)
A.平均数是1300 ; B.体重小于1120的有八只; C.range是300
◆多选题: 哪些会大于0 ?
◆多选题: 一个团体150人,大于60岁占40%,employed 占80%,
可能employed 又 >60岁的人数?
◆多选题: x+1,x+7(最大,最小差6)有点忘了,在这个区间里面有几个质数?
◆题组:不同产业某一年第四季的公司数、Earning、和去年同意季比成长多少% ?
"去年" 哪一个产业的Earning 最多
▲ 写作
Issue: 28、61、63
[28] 命中GRE作文黄宝书12月号
Argumen: 6、17
[6] 命中GRE作文黄宝书12月号
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