In a certain country, Fargut has long been the province in which the police
issue the most citations per capita for traffic violation. Moreover, Fargut
courts continue to be the most likely to suspend the driving privileges of
people who receive citations. These facts notwithstanding, Fargut is among
the provinces with the lowest proportion of drivers whose privileges to drive
are currently suspended for traffic violations because ___________.
Which of the following most logically completes the explanation?
(A) the courts of most other provinces typically suspend driving privileges
for longer periods of time than Fargut courts do
(C) drivers in Fargut are no more likely to violate traffic laws than are
drivers in any other provinces
我觉得(A)(C)都可以是答案 但不知道为什么(A)会比(C)好
James: Why is the fish living in the ocean's dark depths do not swim around
very much? It must be that the scarcity of food available there
prevents them from having much energy for swimming.
Marie: But fish swim around only to approach or avoid other creatures that
they can see, and in such conditions of darkness, almost nothing can
bee seen.
Marie responds to James by
(C) objecting that Jame's explanation accounts for only some of the cases that
it is claimed to cover
(D) presenting a reason to doubt that what james tries to explain really
(E) providing a reason to doubt that the phenomenon James attempts to explain
requires any explanation of the kind he offers
Pharmaceuticals imported into Bornland are inspected for quality to the extent
that staff limitations permit. For several years, shipment have been randomly
selected for inspection and the proportion found substandard has been
consistently around 25%. This year, more inspectors were hired, more
inspections were performed, and 35% of inspected shipments were found
substandard. Since the actual quality of shipments is unlikely to have
slipped, many of the inspections in previous years must have been too
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
(A) This year inspectors did not preferentially select for inspection those
shipments they had reason to believe would contain substandard