verbal 36回的exercise 11
Many critics of Emily Bronte's novel Wuthering Heights see its second part
as a counterpint that comments on, if it does not reverse, the first part,
where a romentic reading receives more confirmation. Seeing the two parts
as a whole is encouraged by the novel's sophisticated structure, revealed
in its complex use of narrators and time shifts. Granted that the presence
of these element need not argue for an authorial awareness of novelistic
construction comparable to that of Hanry James, their presence does encourage
attemps to unify the novel's heterogeneous parts.......................
Q.Which of the following inference about Henry James's awareness of novelistic
construction is best supported by the passage?
A. James, more than any other novelist, was aware of the difficulties of
novelistic construction
B. James was very aware of the details of novelistic construction.
C. James's awareness of novelistic construction derived from his reading
of Bronte.
D. James's awareness of novelistic construction has led most commentators
to see unity in his individual novel
E. James's awareness of novelistic construction precluded him from violating
the unity of his novels