※ 引述《cooltai2 (海苔)》之铭言:
: [25]The serious study of popular culture by intellectuals is regularly
: credited with having rendered obsolete a once-dominant view that popular c
: ulture is inherently inferior to high art. Yet this alteration of attitudes
: may be somewhat (i) ______. Although it is now academically respectable
: to analyze popular culture, the fact that many intellectuals feel compelled
: to rationalize their own (ii) ______ action movies or mass-market fiction
: reveals, perhaps unwittingly, their continued (iii) ______ the old
: hierarchy of high and low culture.
: (i)(A) counterproductive (B) underappreciated (C) overstated
: (ii)(D) penchant for (E) distaste for (F) indifference to
: (iii)(G) aversion to (H) investment in (I) misunderstanding of
: (Ans)CDH
: (iii) 不懂为什么是选 H, 我选G
虽然analyze popular culture已经被尊重,
但popular culture还是地位低,
所以intellectual对于pop culture的喜好是感到压迫的
有点不太懂这件事情 reveals their continued investment in the old
hierarchy of high and low culture 是什么意思?
应该是想表达popular culture还是low,