Surveys in Domorica indicate that only 10 percent of Domoricans in their
twenties read a newspaper regularly, while more than half of all Domoricans
over thirty read a newspaper regularly. Although Domoricans in their twenties
constitute a large proportion of the population, newspaper publishers
nonetheless predict that ten years from now, the percentage of Domoricans who
regularly read a newspaper will probably be no lower than it is today.
Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest grounds for the
newspaper publishers' prediction?
A.The number of Domoricans in their twenties is less than the number of
Domoricans over thirty.
B.The number of newspapers in Domorica has been gradually increasing over
the past several decades.
C.The proportion of Domoricans in their twenties who regularly read a
newspaper has always been low.
D.The surveys defined a regular reader of a newspaper as someone who reads a
newspaper more than twice a week.
E.The proportion of Domoricans who regularly read a newspaper was higher 20
years ago than it is today.