hulile (狐狸)
2014-11-13 23:13:25请原谅我对PTT不熟悉找不到底线
正确答案是C, 单纯好奇本句非划线部份是否run-on
第一眼看到主词it后面有动词have -> 完整句子
后面主词all of which 动词 are -> 也是有主词有动词, 完整句子
两个完整句子之间没有连接词 -> run-on ??
Though the law will require emissions testing of all diesel vehicles, from
tractor trailers to excursion buses, it will have no effect on sport utility
vehicles, almost all of which are gasoline [[ powered, and will not be subjected
to emissions-control standards as stringent as they are for]] diesel-powered
A.powered, and will not be subjected to emissions-control standards as
stringent as they are for
B.powered, and therefore not subjected to emissions-control standards that are
as stringent as those of
C.powered and therefore not subject to emissions-control standards as stringent
as those for
D.powered, which are not subject to emissions-control standards as stringent as
they are for
E.powered and therefore they are not subject to emissions-control standards as
stringent as those of