2014-10-21 16:27:45※ 引述《nbk1943 (professor YA)》之铭言:
: OG11版黄皮
: 99. Just as reading Samuel Pepys's diary gives a student a sense of the
: seventeenth century - of its texture and psyche - so Jane Freed's guileless
: child-narrator takes the operagoer inside turn-of-the- century Vienna.
: (A) so Jane Freed’s guileless child narrator takes the operagoer
: (B) so listening to Jane Freed’s guileless child narrator takes the operagoer
: (C) so the guileless child narrator of Jane Freed takes the operagoer
: (D) listening to Jane Freed’s guileless child narrator takes the operagoer
: (E) Jane Freed’s guileless child narrator takes the operagoer to her opera
: 答案B
: 解释
: This sentence is based on the comparative construction just as x, so y, x and
: y must be grammatically parallel elements. The underlined portion of the
: sentence makes up most of the y element, which must be revised to make it
: parallel to the x clement. The first part of the comparison is about reading
: a diary, and the second part is about listening to a narrator.
: Reading Samuel Pepys’s diary gives a student ... is parallel to listening to
: Jane Freed’s ... narrator takes the operagoer
: 疑问
: just as x, so y. 逗号在题目里不见了,所以会被误导去选D;
: just as x, y. 这样文法上有错吗?
应该是这样说, 在标准英文中, 表达类比摆在主要子句句首通常有两种方式
1. AS S+V+O, S+V+O
2. Just as S+V+O, so S+V+O
所以在句首的just as在idiom上都是要配so, 如果单纯用just as子句当答案时
通常会在句中或句尾的结构, 举例如下:
34. (26262-!-item-!-188;#058&003094)
Besides adding complementary flavors to many foods, hot sauces
stimulate the release of endorphins in the brain, just as exercise
does, and these have a pain-relieving effect like morphine's.