[SC. ] OG12#91 #73, 对等连接词时态平衡

楼主: IEEEfellow (IEEE FELLOW)   2014-07-03 00:31:38
#91 questions as listed below
Q1: (A)中, but those who have tride to count typically have found
count 后面不需要接 laguages or pronoun 吗?!
Q2: 对等连接词 but 前后时态需要一致吗? (如A "现在式,but 现在完成式")
OG解释是 present tense appear is needed to parallel present tense indicates
Q3: 用对等连接词 前后时态做为判题点...是否不够solid ??
91. Nobody knows exactly how many languages there are
in the world, partly because of the diffi culty of
distinguishing between a language and the
sublanguages or dialects within it, but those who have
tried to count typically have found about fi ve thousand.
(A) and the sublanguages or dialects within it, but
those who have tried to count typically have found
(B) and the sublanguages or dialects within them,
with those who have tried counting typically finding
(C) and the sublanguages or dialects within it, but
those who have tried counting it typically fi nd
(D) or the sublanguages or dialects within them, but
those who tried to count them typically found
(E) or the sublanguages or dialects within them,
with those who have tried to count typically finding
Ans: A
73. Combining enormous physical strength with higher
intelligence, the Neanderthals appear as equipped for
facing any obstacle the environment could put in their
path, but their relatively sudden disappearance during
the Paleolithic era indicates that an inability to adapt
to some environmental change led to their extinction.
(A) appear as equipped for facing any obstacle the
environment could put in their path,
(B) appear to have been equipped to face any
obstacle the environment could put in their path,
(C) appear as equipped to face any obstacle the
environment could put in their paths,
(D) appeared as equipped to face any obstacle the
environment could put in their paths,
(E) appeared to have been equipped for facing any
obstacle the environment could put in their path,
Ans: B

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