Re: [请益] 请问有人买SSWA吗? 我的怎么不见了

楼主: morganjf (赚大钱)   2020-10-13 00:08:26
※ 引述《morganjf (赚大钱)》之铭言:
: 忽然想起来之前有买一档ETD
: 叫做 SSWA Seaspan Corporation 7.125% Notes due 2027
: 怎么没看到了
: 股价也没动变成 一些数字及英文代码
: 请问有人知道发生什么事吗?
– Seaspan Corporation ("Seaspan"), a wholly owned subsidiary of
Atlas Corp. (“Atlas”) (NYSE:ATCO), today announced that it will not pursue
the previously proposed
voluntary redemption of its outstanding 7.125% senior unsecured notes due
2027 (the “Notes”). This
decision aligns with Atlas and Seaspan’s prudent focus on maintaining a
strong financial position during
a period of uncertainty for the global capital markets. Seaspan may evaluate
early redemption of the
Notes at a later point in time.
他可能赎回 更远期到期的 notes
作者: z22744388 (熊熊)   2020-10-13 08:20:00

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