OscarJeff (è—術與城市)
2018-01-18 22:33:38默契 台湾巡回(新竹场)w/ 谢奉珍
Moe Chee Taiwan Tour (Hsinchu) w/ Hsieh Feng Chen
时间 Time/
2018/01/19(五) 20:00
地点 Venue/
江山艺改所 (新竹市江山街13号至15号间小巷内/城隍庙旁)
Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (In the alley between No.13 & No.15, Jiang Shan St.,
Hsinchu City/near Cheng Huang Temple)
表演者 Performers/
默契 Moe Chee - 刘纯良 Chun-liang Liu + Clinton Green (AU) / 肢体、预置唱盘、
物件 Movement, prepared turntable, objects
谢奉珍 Hsieh Feng Chen / 人声、田野录音、物件 Voice, field recordings, objects
入场赞助 Admission/
$300-200 自由定价 Self-pricing donation
关于表演者 About The Performers/
● 默契 Moe Chee - 刘纯良 Chun-liang Liu + Clinton Green (AU)
默契 (pronounced ‘Moe-chee’ or ‘Mo-Qi’) is a phrase in Mandarin that has
no direct English translation, but can variously be interpreted as ‘silent
bonding’, ‘unspoken agreement’, ‘mutual understanding’, ‘tacit’, ‘in
Chun-liang Liu and Clinton Green are artists working together with dance,
music, movement and sound. Their performances, often unofficial and in public
spaces, seek engagement and interaction with audiences and passersby. 默契
describes their connection in performance.