OscarJeff (è—術與城市)
2015-07-23 22:09:50天堂一般:王佩瑄个展
Like Paradise: Pei-Hsuan Wang Solo Exhibition
展期 Dates/
2015.07.17 - 08.15
茶会 Reception/
2015.07.25(六) 15:00
讲座 Discussion/
2015.07.25(六) 16:00
讲座与谈人 Discussion Guest Speakers/
黄佩蔚 Pei Wei Huang
郑小塔 Zita Jeng
地点 Venue/
江山艺改所 (新竹市江山街13号至15号小巷内/城隍庙旁)
Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (In the alley between No.13 & 15, Jiang Shan St.,
Hsinchu City/near Cheng Huang Temple)
免费参观 Free Admission
●地图 Map
English version:
关于展览 About The Exhibition/
2015, Hong Kong, a relentlessly hustled little world in forever motion.
Underneath its spectacular city façade, a group of discreet individuals
resides, long overlooked by the mainstream society. Humbly and with immense
determination, they strive to construct their own promised land of milk and
Like Paradise is the first formal showcase of Pei-Hsuan Wang’s long-term
project Made of Star-Stuff: Imagining Outsides at the Center of the World.
Based in Hong Kong and investigating the condition of minority groups in
Diaspora within the city, the project set out collecting “the Other stories”
through fieldwork and participatory art practices. These imaginations from
all over the world connect seemingly disparate and unrelated individuals,
creating a collective narrative bridging spaces, time, and experiences.
Participatory art practices acts as a medium to connect, and is also the raw
ingredient to the works presented in Like Paradise. It takes form as a
drawing game: individually, the artist and “the Other participants”
describe a Thing from their past without disclosing what it is; the process
is filmed, and upon viewing the filmed descriptions, the participants would
draw each other’s Thing. The resulted drawings and filmed footages are then
transformed into video and installation pieces, carrying the ever-evolving
stories and imaginations of all participants.
"We are all made of stars that exploded. The simple specs of celestial dust
came together through complex processes to form individuals that are so
diverse yet connected at the same time. The atoms in my right hand may come
from a different star than my left hand, but my left hand and the right hand
of some unknown person half way across the planet may share the one dust that
came from the same star. This imagination of matters and materials could
inspire the imagination of individual experiences, furthermore generating the
ever-evolving imagination for space and geography. The ties between countless
seemingly unrelated peoples, places, and imaginations can thus be
established." —Made of Star-Stuff: Imagining Outsides at the Center of the
关于艺术家 About The Artist/
王佩瑄 Pei-Hsuan Wang
学历 Education
2012 克兰布鲁克艺术学院 Cranbrook Academy of Art,艺术创作硕士 MFA,美国 USA
2010 Macalester College,BA,美国 USA
个展 Solo Exhibitions
2014 《膜拜境户》,视盟福利社 FreeS Art Space,台北 Taipei,台湾 Taiwan
2014 《Formation No.1: On Levitation》,竹围工作室十二柱 Bamboo Curtain Studio
,台北 Taipei,台湾 Taiwan
2013 《埠口 Closer to Home》,国立台南艺术大学 Tainan National University of
The Arts,台南 Tainan,台湾 Taiwan
重要联展 Selected Group Exhibition
2014 《微型居所 Miniature Residence》,方所 Fangsuo Commune,广州 Guangzhou,
中国 China
2013 《Functionality and Formation》,金泽21世纪美术馆 21st Century Museum of
Contemporary Art,金泽 Kanazawa,日本 Japan
2012 《硕士毕业展 Degree Show》,克兰布鲁克美术馆 Cranbrook Art Museum,
Bloomfield Hills,美国 USA
2012 《NCECA National Student Juried Exhibition》,Jacob Lawrence Gallery,西
雅图 Seattle,美国 USA
2012 《惧色狂 Chromophobia》,Forum Gallery,Bloomfield Hills,美国 USA
2011 《翻墙作 Off the Wall》,Studio Couture,底特律 Detroit,美国 USA
2011 《形色画 The Portrait Show》,Forum Gallery,Bloomfield Hills,美国 USA
获奖 Awards
2013 Dorchester Fellowship,Theaster Gates + Rebuild Foundation
2013 APPortfolio Selection,APPortfolio
2012 Merit Scholarship,Cranbrook Academy of Art
2012 Mary B. Bishop and Francis S Merritt Award,Haystack Mountain School of
出版纪录 Selected Bibliography
2014/08 《神圣的身体结界》,张玉音,典藏今艺术 ARTCO Magazine
2014/02 《亚洲青年创作集录 APPortfolio VOL.4》,点出版有限公司
策展计画 Curatorial Projects
2015 《Reaching 20》,竹围工作室 Bamboo Curtain Studio,台北 Taipei,台湾
2014 《风筝计划》,青少年表演艺术联盟 Teenager Performing Arts League,巡回台
湾16县市 Taiwan
2013 《游河日志:从树梅坑溪走来》,竹围工作室 Bamboo Curtain Studio、国立台湾
科学教育馆 National Taiwan Science Education Center,台北 Taipei,台湾 Taiwan
艺术家座谈 Artist Talks
2015 1a Space,香港 Hong Kong
2015 香港大学 Hong Kong University,香港 Hong Kong
2013 国立台湾艺术大学 National Taiwan University of Arts,台北 Taipei,台湾
2013 国立台南艺术大学 Tainan National University of The Arts,台南 Tainan,台
湾 Taiwan
艺术家进驻计画 Artist Residency
2015 1a Space,香港 Hong Kong
2015 欧洲陶瓷工作室 European Ceramic Workcentre (upcoming),荷兰 Netherlands
2014 竹围工作室 Bamboo Curtain Studio,台北 Taipei,台湾 Taiwan
2013 台北市立文昌国民小学 Taipei Municipal Wenchang Elementary School,台北
Taipei,台湾 Taiwan
2013 国立台南艺术大学 Tainan National University of The Arts,台南 Tainan,台
湾 Taiwan
2012 Rebuild Foundation,芝加哥 Chicago,美国 USA