尽管 RB15 在安全帽相关空力部分的初始设计,是以 Arai 提供的安全帽为基础,但 Red
Bull 仍批准了 Max Verstappen 改用 Schberth 生产的安全帽。
由于今年 F1 安全帽更改了安全标准(改善前额防护性),让一些安全帽制造商需要在短
而 Verstappen 正式因此受到影响的其中一位车手,他先前的安全帽供应商 Arai,在季
那些通过认证的 Arai 安全帽,对 Verstappen 来说又太小,会让他在车内会感到不适。
因此 Verstappen 尝试使用了让他感到更舒适的 Schuberth 安全帽,同时他也确定在 20
19 赛季更换安全帽供应商。
由于 Schuberth 设计的外型和 Arai 有所差异,对于车辆本身的空力会有些许影响,但
Red Bull 仍批准了这项变更。
Red Bull 赛事顾问 Helmut Marko 针对 Motorsport.com 的访问说道:“我们的车体设
计在安全帽部分是以 Arai 为基础的,同时也已经和 Arai 合作多年,而且不只是 Red B
ull Racing 的车手使用 Arai 安全帽,包含技师、Toro Rosso 以及我们的青年队也都是
。但 Verstappen 在冬测时发现,对于 Arai 新版安全帽会感到不适,尤其是在尺寸和视
基于空力影响,虽然 Red Bull 会比较希望 Verstappen 能继续使用 Arai,但 Marko 表
示这还是得取决于 Verstappen 的实际感受。
们必须决定更换 Verstappen 的安全帽供应商时,也不确定 Arai 是否能再进行调整,因
这也确定了 Verstappen 至少到今年为止,都会使用 Schuberth 的安全帽。
Verstappen has new helmet supplier despite RB15's Arai "basis"
Red Bull says it approved of Max Verstappen’s decision to swap helmet supplie
r to Schuberth this year despite its RB15 having been created around an Arai d
Changes to the safety standards of Formula 1 helmets this year, to provide ext
ra protection for the forehead area, left a number of suppliers in a race agai
nst time to get official homologation.
One of the drivers affected was Verstappen, whose previous supplier Arai had n
ot managed to get all its helmet sizes signed off
Some F1 drivers missing approved helmets for testing
Feb 12, 2019
for race use prior to the start of pre-season testing.
It was there that Verstappen found the only approved Arai version
New Arai helmets now approved for F1 racing
New Arai helmets now approved for F1 racing
Feb 20, 2019
was too small for him, so he felt very uncomfortable in the car.
As a result, he tried out a Schuberth helmet and, being much happier, he did a
deal to switch to the German manufacturer for the 2019 season.
With the Schuberth helmet having a different shape to the Arai, the change has
an aerodynamic influence over the car – but it’s something that Red Bull ha
s accepted.
Red Bull motorsport advisor Helmut Marko told Motorsport.com: “The Arai helme
t was used as basis for our car concept.
“We've had a contract with Arai for many years, and not only for the drivers
at Red Bull Racing, but also for the mechanics, for Toro Rosso, for our junior
“But Verstappen had problems with the Arai helmet [in testing]. It didn't fit
and he didn't see properly. He felt extremely uncomfortable."
Although Red Bull may have preferred Verstappen to stick to Arai because of th
e aero impact, Marko said it had to consider what the Dutchman was feeling.
"If a driver feels uncomfortable with his helmet, it's not wise to force somet
hing on him," Marko explains. "At the time we had to decide, it wasn't clear w
hether Arai would manage the homologation. So we made that decision."
It is understood Verstappen is now committed to Schuberth for the remainder of
the year.