Scape (non)
2018-09-03 12:43:38※ 引述《Santander (我们相遇 仿佛彗星撞地球)》之铭言:
: 尽管现今许多Hypercar和超级跑车都采用混合动力系统或全电动来负责驱动,但
: Koenigsegg不想跟上这股风潮,之前Koenigsegg老板Christian von Koenigsegg 说过他
: 们将为Ragnarok使用5.0升V8双涡轮增压汽油引擎,这颗引擎基本上会是Agera RS动力系
: 统的修订版。不过,也有另一个消息表示,Ragnarok将采用某种形式的Hybrid,
The Tesla Roadster forced Koenigsegg to up its game
Upon hearing the news that Tesla would build a new Roadster, and this new
Roadster would be able to accelerate from 0-60mph in 1.9s, the world reacted.
Even Koenigsegg boss Christian.
“We kind of had our future mapped out, and then we heard about the new Tesla
Roadster and its insane acceleration numbers, and we thought ‘damn that’s
put the gauntlet down’.”
我们已经把我们的未来蓝图描绘好了,然后我们听说了new Tesla Roadster
Christian von Koenigsegg smiles, and then mocks anger. “Sure, it must be
really heavy, but that kind of acceleration? That’s frustrating!”
You’d have thought a man who owns a company that built the (current) world’
s fastest car and regularly pumps out cars that destroy drag strips, wouldn’
t get frustrated by a little electric roadster. But it did.
“We thought, ‘this is not OK’. We wondered whether it was possible, and
yeah, it’s possible. Then we thought, ‘OK how do we deal with it? This is
So he whipped up his engineers straight into the workshop and got the
calculator out. “In two days we’d thought of a few things,” he said. “The
simplest way of putting it is like this: it’s combining direct drive, with
the hybridisation we have in a different format with freevalve engine
technology, in a peculiar layout.”
所以Koenigsegg 把他们的工程师们关进了车间开始工作,
从这两则新闻看来,Koenigsegg 原本并没有要在下一代车辆中用上油电
后来看到Tesla Roadster 公布的性能数据,想到的应对方法就是加上油电