Recently,my life is sort of like sitting in a roller coaster,which goes deathl
y slow when upward but drops to the ground immediately when downward.
Although I know I have to do a lot of things in advance of my college life,I s
till find it hard to concentrate on those stuffs; perhaps it's because I've le
ft them behind for too long.
However,I have to say,what distractsꀠme the most from my works is you.
It may sound weird because you don't even do anything,and I don't mean to accu
se of you something.
I know it's all my fault to fall for someone whom I actually know nothing abou
t ,but I just can't help it.
To me, those days we've been through are just like an oasis in the desert, whi
ch comforts me while I'm lost on my life journey.
You let me know I have to try my best regardless what'll happen next;although
you didn't do anything indeed,I just know it.
Maybe you'll be kinda awkward upon seeing this,or you won't be; you might've
blocked me or just ignore me from the moment when I've gone too far.
Never mind,I won't be upset about that. On the contrary, I'll be looking forwa
rd to the day you visit Taiwan and ask me out again.