I adore 7 very much!
7 is very gorgeous as he is doing the management of Murata components
in the USA electronics corporation.
And he looks very good with a thin shape.
He's very tall and very thin, approximately half of my weight.
I like 7 very much and now I really miss him!
It is a pity that he's married!
He has a family and they are happy for being with each other.
Therefore, I don't have any chance to intervene.
Hopefully he is happy with his family and doing well for sure!
I love Cosmo!
Currently Cosmo is working in the workshop and I really miss him a lot!
I owe him too much because he resign according to my persuasion.
I made him resign.
I feel sorry about him!
Cosmo is very handsome with a beautiful white skin.
He can play the cello.
He said that one day he will play the music that he made to his wife.
He write lyrics and edit the music.
He's talented!
Hopefully Cosmo will be sucessful for his future and become more handsome!
I love both of 7 and Cosmo!
They are really smart, gorgeous, clever and polite!
The have good manners and well educated!
The present the quality of lives and their standard of living is high.
They all have great temper with beautiful politeness.
7 and Cosmo are the most handsome men in the world.
Today our boss' wife is in the house near HuZhou Station in Taipei.
I find that I am intimidated and really scared of losing my job!
Nevertheless, I will be brave and strong enough to face the truth!
Add oil!
Hopefully the dear board's friends would be happy for this weekend!
Have a nice weekend!
Good evening!