1. 自介:
Taipei Interactive Engish Club 为非营利的英文读书会及英文会话社团,
http://www.ienglishclub.tw/ Log in to receive iEnglish Weekly ePaper!
20141115 Gathering video:
'2014 Xmas party' -
20150101-03 outing photos:
14:30-15:20 Session I: Current Events Discussion (News discussion/Free talk)
15:20-15:30 Feedback I
15:30-15:40 Regrouping & Break
15:40-16:00 Speech Session
16:00-17:00 Session II: Article Discussion (Please MUST read weekly article)
17:00-17:15 Feedback II
17:15-17:30 Closing (Welcome to have dinner with us!)
3. 范围:
Session 1: Any news or issues, you can print out your topic to
gathering for discussion.
ex: BBC, NYTimes, TED, http://focustaiwan.tw/
Session 2: Weekly Article Discussion
20150110 Germany Pegida protests: 'Islamisation' rallies denounced
1. What are the reasons and purposes of the protest?
2. Do you think it would be any different if most of
the refugees/immigrants coming to Germany were not Muslims?
3. Do you think a similar dispute would arise in your country
if your government had accepted a large number of refugees/immigrants from
other countries with races and/or religions different
from the majority of the society?
4. 对象及目标:
Ones who are keen to learn English for Reading/Conversation/Presentation
Welcome to introduce yourself on iEnglish forum if you're a newcomer!
5. 原因:
Build an environment to sharpen English skills.
6. 时间及地点:
Every Saturday Afternoon 14:30-17:30.
The next gathering is on the 10th of January .
人性空间 (捷运公馆站4号出口) 台北市罗斯福路三段286巷4弄1号
7. 参加方式: 会员轮流担任Host/Speaker
不须事先报名 请阅读当周文章思考过问题后直接参加即可!