My friends Saki, is going to share her story in a cafe near Ximen
on next Tuesday.
If you like stories, languages and meeting people,
feel free to come and join us! Here's the information:
The first event of Bu-Luo!
Saki and Prithvi would be our speakers!
Saki comes from Hokkaido, she went studying alone in Canada at 14. She would
share her story of growing up in the country.
Prithvi is from Bangalore, and he is now studying Literature in Taiwan. He is
a warm man, I am always impressed by his passion to the life.
English would be the language, people from everywhere would meet, listen and
make friends. You are welcome to join us!
The entrance would be NTD100, which covers venue, drinks and snacks. If there
are more then the balance would be used for operation of Bu-Luo.
ddtgin ( ddtgin)
2014-10-30 12:58:00I'm so interesting about this meeting, but I'm inbusiness trip at Bangalore now....