[Ask ] line speaking practice

楼主: kelemvor (kelemvor)   2014-10-19 17:14:21
I'm Sean
I'd like to invite anyone who is interested in practicing english
via line calling.
Perhaps we can discuss about some topics or news or just share our days.
No commercials.No harassment.
I will add you into the group,then you may ask others to practice with you.
If you are interested, please leave your lineID.Thank you.
作者: lovefist (lovefist)   2014-10-20 20:40:00
May i join in your line group?
作者: happy753 (瑢)   2014-10-21 21:44:00
I would like to join your line group.
楼主: kelemvor (kelemvor)   2014-10-22 10:36:00
sure,please leave your lineID or send 站内信 to me

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