[Mind] weakness

楼主: lwiily (缃)   2014-10-01 16:37:42
What my weakness is leaving someone before who leaves me.
I've realized it's not a good idea to do it.
I am such a coward because
I'm afraid of hurting and how painful is.
How can I revise my potential fear ?
I have no courage to love someone anymore.
作者: ahsan (臭屁阿三)   2014-10-01 21:43:00
Why not? if she's not right for you, separation wouldbe mutually beneficial.We all are afraid of being hurt, that is natural.Not leaving could actually hurt you more than leavnig.
楼主: lwiily (缃)   2014-10-01 23:18:00
I'm a lady, not a man. nowadays someone has left me,I think it's such a revenge to me, like I regarded somsomeone who was my lover
作者: ahsan (臭屁阿三)   2014-10-02 22:30:00
The best revenge, milady, is to live well.
楼主: lwiily (缃)   2014-10-03 18:04:00
I totally agree with you
作者: popup7788 (逆这郭败尺~呿)   2014-10-22 01:04:00
It takes time to heal the scar. If you still feelsurffering,that means you need more time to let go

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