Re: [Ask ] grammar

楼主: Smallmi (米)   2014-05-12 23:07:49
※ 引述《Yistevia (You Are For Me)》之铭言:
: (1) Taiwan has a lot of delicious food
: (2) There are a lot of delicious food in Taiwan
: Which sentence is grammatically correct ?
Preferably 2) though I believe 1) is also fine.
It'd sound much better if you use another verb.
Taiwan "boasts" .... or "offers"...
However, 2) should go with a singular verb "is".
Both sentences also need "." at the end to be grammatically correct.
作者: luxatt (辣克斯ㄟ踢踢)   2014-05-15 14:50:00
Please allow me to standup and heartily clap for you.
作者: nkotb131 (永不脱鞋)   2014-06-06 07:12:00
agree on 2), as well as the singular verb, 1) isnot incorrect but not used as often

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