[Ask ] Anyone reading Game of Throne?

楼主: ahsan (臭屁阿三)   2014-05-09 04:50:22
I browse through the "trilogy" very quickly, but book 4
really lose me. So I'm restarting from the beginning
very slowly.
Is there anyone interested to share your favorite character?
For me, I like Tyrion (very strange choice I know). But
being ugly, short, and unliked seems to stirke a chord with
作者: AlvinSuke (半山腰的云)   2014-05-13 21:56:00
Actually he could arguably be one of the most popula
楼主: ahsan (臭屁阿三)   2014-05-13 22:22:00
If I like him, should the world not follow? Ha ha.

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